blot [blɔt]
- blot的基本解释
污点, 墨水渍
- Is there any way to remove the ink blot on my dress?
- 有什么办法去掉我衣服上的墨渍吗?
乱涂, 使模糊, 吸干
- He blotted his driving record by having an accident.
- 他因发生一次事故而在驾驶记录上留下污点。
- The dense fog blotted out the whole view.
- 浓雾遮住了整个景色。
- She blotted her copybook when she arrived late for work.
- 她上班迟到影响了自己的名声。
弄上墨渍, 吸墨水
- My pen blots easily.
- 我的钢笔容易漏墨水。
- 相似词
- 更多 网络例句 与blot相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Trans-Blot Cells and Systems 170-3825 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm), power supply, power cord, instructions 170-3850 Trans-Blot System With Plate Electrodes and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V 170-3853 Trans-Blot System With Plate Electrodes, Super Cooling Coil, and PowerPac HC Power Supply, 100120/220240 V, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm), power supply, power cord, instructions 170-3910 Trans-Blot Cell With Wire Electrodes, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) 170-3939 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) 170-3946 Trans-Blot Cell With Plate Electrodes, includes 2 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 4 fiber pads, 1 pack precut blot absorbent filter paper (15 x 20 cm) Trans-Blot Cell Accessories 170-3912 Super Cooling Coil, required for all high-intensity transfers 170-3913 Gel Holder Cassette, includes 2 fiber pads 170-3914 Fiber Pads, 15.5 x 20.5 cm, 6 170-3920 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, cathode 170-3921 Trans-Blot Standard Wire Electrode Card, anode 170-3922 Trans-Blot Cell Buffer Tank 170-3923 Trans-Blot Cell Lid With Power Cables 170-3943 Trans-Blot Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-3944 Trans-Blot Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-3945 Trans-Blot Plate Electrode Pair, platinum anode and stainless-steel cathode 16 规格:说明: Trans-Blot Plus
电泳转印槽组件 1。缓冲液槽及带有电缆的盖 2。凝胶支架转印夹 3。纤维衬垫 4。电极丝 5。电极板 6。特级冷却芯 Trans-Blot 转印槽是功能灵活的转印设备,可理想地用于多种转印应用。Trans-Blot 转印槽特点包括:*能进行多胶转印,可容纳3 块PROTEAN I xi 凝胶、6块Criterion 凝胶、12块Mini-PROTEAN 3 或Ready Gel 预制胶*多组参数灵活可设,可调节的电压设置(从30 V 的过夜转印到200 V 的1 小时快速实验)*电极间距设置为8 cm 用于标准印迹杂交,或设置为4cm 用于高强度印迹杂交*可选择板式电极:涂有铂金的钛作为正极,不锈钢为负极,能提供高强度电场和比其它电极更高的电流密度。或选择较经济的铂金电极丝*通过特级冷却芯和水循环仪来调节温度―是天然酶(4°C)或高强度转印的理想选择,随着转印时间增加(多达24 小时),不会引起缓冲液耗竭(在高强度转印中必须使用冷却芯,也推荐用于所有板式电极的应用)*带铰链的凝胶支架转印夹能避免滑动,确保凝胶与印迹膜间的紧密接触;每个转印夹都有颜色标记以保证在转印槽中的正确定位 Trans-Blot 转印槽的锁闭凝胶支架转印夹系统。转印夹(1)支撑凝胶(2)印迹膜(3)两侧有纤维衬垫和滤纸(4)确保凝胶三明治内的完全接触。凝胶夹垂直插入缓冲液槽中(5)。
Trans-Blot Plus Cell 170-3990 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 3 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 6 fiber pads, 1 pack blot absorbent filter paper (26.5 x 28 cm, 30 sheets), roller, stirbar 170-3991 Trans-Blot Plus Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply Accessories 170-3994 Trans-Blot Plus Gel/Cassette Assembly Tray 170-3995 Fiber Pads, 27 x 28.5 cm, 2 170-3996 Blot Absorbent Filter Paper, 26.5 x 28 cm, 60 sheets 170-3997 Stirbar 170-3998 Trans-Blot Plus Roller, 6 wide 170-39 Trans-Blot Plus Gel Holder Cassette With Clamps 170-4990 Trans-Blot Plus Super Cooling Coil 170-4991 Trans-Blot Plus Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-4992 Trans-Blot Plus Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-4995 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Buffer Tank 170-4996 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Lid With Cables 170-4997 Gel Holder Cassette Clamps, for Trans-Blot Plus cell, set of 3 9 规格:说明:运用Mini-PROTEAN II 多道筛选仪,可以快速有效地筛选 40 种不同的抗体或血清,无需把western
转印条件可调,能在很大的分子量跨度上获得最佳转印效果*耐用的板式电极能产生强大而均一的电场,而且电极在槽内的位置灵活可换;不论运行1、2 或3 个转印夹,电极间距可调节到最小以获得最大的场强和转印效率*凝胶支架转印夹保证整个凝胶与印迹膜表面的均衡接触*转印夹的铰链设计能防止凝胶滑动,便于转印夹组装*颜色标记的转印夹及电极板确保在转印槽内的正确定向*特级冷却芯和冷却水循环器进行温度调节―可理想地用于天然酶或高强度转印,或用于延长转印时间时减少缓冲液的损耗*可选择的组装盘是凝胶三明治和转印夹组装的理想选择 Trans-Blot Plus 转印槽能从单向和双向大格式凝胶上均一、高效地转移蛋白―配合使用新推出的 PowerPac HC 电源,多数蛋白都可在1530 分钟内完成转印。
The stable clones are further identified by RT-PCR and Western blot; 6 MTT assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell growth of cells (AGS, SGC7901, MKN28, NIH3T3, GES-1); 7 Soft agar assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the clonality of cells (AGS, MKN28); 8 Nude mice assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell growth of gastric cancer cells (AGS, MKN28); 9 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell cycle distribution of cells (AGS, MKN28, NIH3T3, GES-1); 10 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the cell apoptosis of cells (AGS, MKN28, NIH3T3); 11 MTT assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the drug sensitivity of cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60, HL-60/VCR) in vitro; 12 SRCA is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the drug sensitivity of gastric cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR) in vivo; 13 Flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on adriamycin accumulation of cancer cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60, HL-60/VCR); 14 Transmission electron microscope is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the sensitivity of SGC7901 cells towards drug-induced apoptosis; 15 Flow cytometry and DNA ladder assay are used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the sensitivity of cells (SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR, HL-60/VCR) towards drug-induced apoptosis; 16 Microarray is used to investigate the profiling of ZNRD1-responsive genes in gastric cancer cells (AGS, MKN28, SGC7901, SGC7901/VCR); 17 RT-PCR and Western blot are used to identify the results of microarray; 18 Reporter gene assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the transcriptional activity of cyclin D1; 19 Reporter gene assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the transcriptional activity of MDR1; 20 Kinase assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the activity of cyclin E-CDK2 kinase; 21 The antisensenucleic acids of p21 is used to inhibit the expression of p21, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of p21 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 22 The antisensenucleic acids of p27 is used to inhibit the expression of p27, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of p27 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 23 Liposome is used to up-regulate the expression of Skp2, and flow cytometry is used to investigate the effect of Skp2 on ZNRD1-induced cell cycle arrest in gastric cancer cells; 24 Western blot is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the stability of Skp2 and p27 in gastric cancer cells; 25 MVD assay is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the angiopoietic activity of gastric cancer cells; 26 ELISA is used to investigate the effect of ZNRD1 on the expression of VEGF165 in gastric cancer cells; 27 The roles of DARPP-32 in MDR of gastric cancer cells are investigated using gene transfection, MTT assay, SRCA, flow cytometry and DNA ladder assay.
应用杂交瘤技术制备ZNRD1的首个单克隆抗体;2)利用RT-PCR、Western blot和免疫组化检测ZNRD1在胃癌组织、胃炎组织、正常胃上皮组织、胃癌细胞和正常胃组织上皮细胞中的表达;3)构建ZNRD1的小干扰RNA载体,并测序鉴定;4)利用脂质体将ZNRD1的真核表达载体及其空载体转染胃癌细胞(AGS、SGC7901、MKN28)和小鼠成纤维细胞(NIH3T3),G418筛选后进行鉴定;5)利用脂质体将ZNRD1的小干扰RNA载体及其空载体转染药敏胃癌细胞(SGC7901)、正常胃组织上皮细胞(GES-1)、对长春新碱耐药的胃癌细胞(SGC7901/VCR)、药敏白血病细胞(HL-60)、对长春新碱耐药的白血病细胞(HL-60/VCR),G418筛选后进行鉴定;6)利用MTT实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(AGS、SGC7901、MKN28、NIH3T3、GES-1)生长的影响;7)通过软琼脂克隆形成实验检测上调ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞克隆形成能力的影响;8)通过裸鼠成瘤实验检测上调ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞体内成瘤性的影响;9)通过流式细胞仪分析ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(AGS、MKN28、NIH3T3、GES-1)的细胞周期的影响;10)通过流式细胞仪分析上调ZNRD1对细胞(AGS、MKN28、NIH3T3)的凋亡的影响;11)通过MTT实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60、HL-60/VCR)体外药物敏感性的影响;12)通过肾包膜下移植法检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR)体内药物敏感性的影响;13)通过流式细胞仪分析ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60、HL-60/VCR)内阿霉素蓄积和泵出的影响;14)通过透射电镜检测上调ZNRD1对SGC7901细胞凋亡敏感性的影响;15)通过流式细胞仪和DNA梯度试验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、HL-60)凋亡敏感性的影响;16)通过基因芯片检测ZNRD1高/低表达对胃癌细胞内基因表达谱的影响;17)利用RT-PCR、Western blot对基因芯片的结果进行鉴定;18)利用报告基因实验检测ZNRD1对cyclin D1的启动子活性的调节作用;19)利用报告基因实验检测ZNRD1高/低表达对MDR1的启动子活性的调节作用;20)利用激酶试验检测ZNRD1对cyclin E-CDK2 激酶活力的影响;21)利用反义核酸技术抑制p21的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测抑制p21对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;22)利用反义核酸技术抑制p27的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测抑制p27对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;23)利用脂质体转染法上调Skp2的表达;通过流式细胞仪检测上调Skp2对ZNRD1介导的细胞周期阻滞的影响;24)利用Western blot检测ZNRD1对p27和Skp2的蛋白稳定性的影响;25)利用微血管密度实验检测ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞裸鼠移植瘤微血管形成的影响;26)利用ELISA检测ZNRD1对AGS、MKN28细胞培养上清和移植瘤匀浆中VEGF165含量的影响;27)利用脂质体转染法、MTT实验、肾包膜下移植法、流式细胞仪和DNA梯度试验检测新耐药相关分子DARPP-32对细胞(SGC7901、SGC7901/VCR、对阿霉素耐药的胃癌细胞SGC7901/ADR)多药耐药表型的影响;利用脂质体转染法和MTT实验检测下调ZNRD1对DARPP-32介导的胃癌多药耐药的调控作用。
- 更多网络解释 与blot相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
三、核酸限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析RFLP分析是限制性内切酶、核酸电泳、印迹(blot)技术、探针-杂交技术的综合应用,多用于临床遗传性疾病的基因诊断. 基本原理是遗传性疾病多有基因的缺陷,如基因缺失、基因插入、编码区小范围核苷酸序列改变或点突变等.
9. each punch and chop 每一个击、打 | 10. blot 玷污,损害风景的东西 | 11. tinker 修补,调整
blot:污渍, 污点 <单词词性>弄污
a bed of flowers 安乐窝 | blot 污渍, 污点 弄污 | drepaniform 镰形的
Hun-Gurrr 龙头魔 | Blot 龙头妖 | Cutthroad 龙头精
Western blot:蛋白质印记
方法:收集6例人涎腺腺样囊性癌患者的肿块和其周围正常腮腺组织采用逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)技术,对肿瘤组织和正常涎腺组织P53与P16mRNA表达进行研究后,进一步采用蛋白质印记(western blot)技术对两种组织的P53与P16蛋白表达研究.
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