英语人>词典>英汉 : blood orange的中文,翻译,解释,例句
blood orange的中文,翻译,解释,例句

blood orange

blood orange的基本解释


blood orange所属的单词分类
Food & Eating / 食物与饮食 [541]

salsa  ·  spork  ·  prime rib  ·  pork chops  ·  mochi  ·  meatloaf  ·  lima beans  ·  hot sauce  ·  dandelion greens  ·  caramel apple

Fruit / 水果 [63]

passion fruit  ·  jackfruit  ·  ugli fruit  ·  mandarin orange  ·  crabapple  ·  kiwi  ·  watermelon  ·  tangerine  ·  tangelo  ·  strawberry

更多 网络例句 与blood orange相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experiment results indicate the more desirable orange-pomace bread can be produced if the orange pomaces are not washed in water, the sample is oven-dried and the particle diameter distribution of the orange pomaces in use is less than 250 μm. Due to the fact that the water-absorption ability of orange pomaces is strong, we may want to mix pomaces with the oil of the recipe first during the process of making orange-pomace bread and add the mixture later to the formation of the structure of gluten. Under the condition that orange pomaces account for 14% of the ingredients, the adjusted optimal condition calls for extra 2% of oil, 3% of water and 4% of gluten, the amount of yeast is increased to 2% and the fermentation time is 2 hours. The orange-pomace bread made under this condition has a specific volume of 5.19 cm3/g and receives a rating of 9.5 point. It is close to the American-style sweat bread of the control group. It is also found that the addition of orange pomaces can help slow down the rise in hardness, gumminess and chewyness of the bread during the time it is in storage.

实验结果显示,柳橙果渣於制备过程不经过清水漂洗、利用烘箱乾燥样品、使用粒径分布尺寸小於250 μm之柳橙果渣对於制作柳橙果渣面包有较理想之结果,另外由於柳橙果渣吸水性强,於制作果渣面包时需将柳橙果渣先与配方中之油脂混合,待面团搅拌成筋后再加入。14%柳橙果渣添加量下,配方上调整的最适条件为额外添加2%油脂、3%水量、4%面筋,并将酵母量增加为2%,发酵时间为2 h,所制作出之柳橙果渣面包比体积为5.19 cm3/g,评分为9.5分,接近控制组美式甜面包,并且发现添加果渣制作面包可以减缓面包於储藏期间硬度、胶性度、咀嚼度上升之程度。

This corresponds to, the Netherlands Orange nominated for the Grand Duchy of William leader and declare independence, which also opened a before and after the Netherlands after 80 years off the war of independence; and the Grand Duchy of William Orange Orange Wilhelm was born to have the case of Burgundy, is located in South Orange France's family - his name in the orange is "orange," meaning - orange, therefore the representative of the Netherlands has become a color.

与此对应,荷兰推举奥兰治大公威廉为领导者并宣布独立,由此也揭开了前后历经80年的荷兰独立战争序幕;而奥兰治大公威廉Orange Wilhelm出身于曾属勃艮第、现位于南法国的奥兰治家族——他名字中的orange即为"橙色"之义——橙色因此便成了荷兰的代表颜色了。

It was showed that pectenolone and pectenoxanthin were all found in Gonads, hepatopancreas, mantle and gill, among of them, ovary, hepatopancreas and gill possessed more carotenoid than other tissues, but no carotenoids were found in the white muscles of Yesso scallops. Hepatopancreas contains a variety other carotenoids some kind of other not identified beside pectenolone and pectenoxanthin. The result also showed that the Yesso scallop with orange muscle had more the carotenoids in a variety of tissues than the common, and the female more than the male.4 Impacts of carotenoid accumulation on morphological structure and chemical composition in orange muscle of Yesso scallopThere was no difference between the orange and white muscle obserced by conventional HE staining, while musclular fiber type and matrix density in the orange muscle was different from white ones by the TEM observation of ultra-thin slices, and there were three musclular fiber types, among of them, the loose muscular fiber was orange muscle specifically.


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blood orange:红橙

全部由来自意大利的Pino Lucifora及Armando Greco两位甜品师傅每天亲自制作,他们入行经验已超过三十年,笔者亲尝过几道甜品,发觉甜度恰到好处,水准不俗. 除甜品以外,他们均会制作意大利雪糕Gelato,当中更有西西里的红橙(Blood Orange)口味,比一般橙味更香浓.

blood orange:血橙

产品介绍: 血橙(blood orange) 是一个混种的植物,新鲜的血橙呈红或橙色,并且香甜多汁有一种芬芳的香气,血橙有别于其它类型的橙类水果,主要有以下几点: 促进血液循环改善贫血的补血良品;促进血液循环的最佳精油,有效改善人体的贫血状况;

blood orange:橙

血橙\n 血橙(blood orange) 是一个混种的植物,第一次出现在1850的欧洲,新鲜的血橙是红或橙色,有明亮的红色条纹,并且香甜多汁有一种芬芳的香气,有几个品种是略呈椭圆形的,血橙大都无核,主要被种植在西班牙、意大利和北美.

blood orange:红橙,血橙

bilberry越桔 | blood orange红橙,血橙 | carambola杨桃

Blood Orange Oil:血甜橙油

Bay Oil min . 50 Pct 50% 月桂油 | Blood Orange Oil 血甜橙油 | Bergamot Oil Italian 意大利香柠檬油

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