英语人>词典>英汉 : blood baptism的中文,翻译,解释,例句
blood baptism的中文,翻译,解释,例句

blood baptism

更多网络例句与blood baptism相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the baptism of blood and fire, the history of the brush in the painting the sky in May was a .


After the baptism of blood and fire, the history of the brush in the pa in t in g the sky in May was a .


Thellos is a timeless song, baptism of blood and fire, bright red flashes.


Jin and Sha experienced a baptism of blood and fire at a battle2,000 years age, which witnessed and tested their love beyond theboundary of time.


Jin and Sha experienced a baptism of blood and fire at a battle 2,000 years age, which witnessed and tested their love beyond the boundary of time.


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更多网络解释与blood baptism相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The baptism of blood and fire:血与火的洗礼

生活的颤音 The thrill of life (1979) | 血与火的洗礼 The baptism of blood and fire (1979) | 乳燕飞 Young Swallow (1979)

Thellos is a timeless song, baptism of blood and fire, bright red flashes:这是永恒的歌,血火洗礼,鲜红闪亮

这是不落的歌,雄健浑厚激越,凝聚气力; Thellos is n... | 这是永恒的歌,血火洗礼,鲜红闪亮. Thellos is a timeless song, baptism of blood and fire, bright red flashes. | 长歌一曲,蓝天下涌动挚爱的潮汐; A long...

baptism of blood:在未受洗礼前殉教第一次受伤

baptise || 施行浸礼, 洗涤 | baptism of blood || 在未受洗礼前殉教第一次受伤 | baptism of fire || 炮火的洗礼,士兵初临战场的考验

Through the Baptism of Blood andFire:血与火的洗礼

血沃中华/Blood Shed on Motherland | 血与火的洗礼/Through the Baptism of Blood andFire | 血战台儿庄/The Battle of Tai'erzhuang