英语人>词典>英汉 : block faulting的中文,翻译,解释,例句
block faulting的中文,翻译,解释,例句

block faulting

block faulting的基本解释


更多网络例句与block faulting相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some key factors of 3-D constrained model were systematically researched with the combination of seismic and geological method. The factors include trajectory constrain by vertical borehole, laterally controlling constrain by geological horizon, faulting block constrain, stratigraphic sedimentary pattern and contact correlation.


Pacific plate subduction was dominated in study area since late Jurassic, stress regime was then transited from compression into extension associated with the steepening of subduction angel and retreat of subduction zone ocean inward; due to the difference in basement properties, extensional rifting basins dominated by depression basins developed within the Yangtze block, while volcanic faulting bounded basins for the Cathaysia block, and a series of red faulting bounded basins with half graben shape for the areas within the boundary zone between these two blocks.


This unique geological tectonic background and special block faulting geological evolution history lay China geological features of "compressed from three directions, continental deposit, rift-depression in Eastern-China and compression-depression in Western-China, active faulting, faces changing rapidly, multi-structure layers, frequent tectonic movement".


更多网络解释与block faulting相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

block faulting:块断酌

block diagram 方块图 | block faulting 块断酌 | block field 块岩野

block faulting:块断运动

block faulting tectonics 块状断裂构造 | block faulting 块断运动 | block finish 混凝土表面磨光

block faulting:块状断层作用

块状 massive | 块状断层作用 block faulting | 块状泥炭 amorphous peat

block faulting:块断作用

寇家村组||Koujiacun Formation | 块断作用||block faulting | 块体运动||mass movement

basement block faulting:基底块断作用

basement anisotropy 基底非均质性 | basement block faulting 基底块断作用 | basement block 基底断块

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