英语人>词典>英汉 : bituminization的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[化] 沥青固化, 煤化作用, 沥青化

更多网络例句与bituminization相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bakeout resin, drying and heat bituminization, in General, oven temperature control in a 60-80 ° c, the intention is to support, but on the water evaporation; dry temperature is too high, resin Edition is easy to bubbling.


After exposure in a dry, hot after bituminization and cannot be an excessive amount of fill flash, the resin to become hard brittle.


These horizons and surfaces have different level varying degree and the decency deterioration process, and appeared laterization, Kleit, Zeolitization, Silicification and bituminization in a certain scale weathering crust.


The main reason: l, resin version exposure time; 2, there is a small, contrast-polarity film dust, is not clear; 3, bakeout resin and improper heat bituminization;?aa brushlelss version cvscc low resin, flush long, provincial and municipal governments, too deep, version 5, on the mechanism of cards and membership cards when pressure regulation inappropriate.

次给来因: l、树脂版曝平工夫不敷; 2、底片反不差小,有灰雾、不澄辉; 3、烘烤树脂版以及冷固化办理不妥; 4、刷树脂版时水温矮,冲洗工夫不幼,刷毛功软,刷版功浅; 5、上机制卡和会员卡制息时不张力功大,调度不安妥。

更多网络解释与bituminization相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bituminization range 沥青化区段 | bituminization 沥青化 | bituminized aggregate 涂沥青的骨料


煤类 coal types | 煤沥青化 bituminization | 煤砾 coal pebble

bituminization:煤化作用 沥青化

bituminitepneumoconiosis 油页岩尘肺 | bituminization 煤化作用 沥青化 | bituminize 沥青处理


粒子散射因子|particle scattering factor | 沥青固化|bituminization | 力常数|force constant

bituminization process:沥青化过程

bituminite 油页岩;沥青质体;烟煤 | bituminization process 沥青化过程 | bituminization range 沥青化区段

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