英语人>词典>英汉 : bilharziasis的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

bilharziasis [,bilhɑ:'zaiəsis]


血吸虫病, 裂体吸虫病

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Residents of new epidemic area had higher understanding rate of bilharziasis prevention and cure and a stronger precaution consciousness.


Objective To understand the mental states of bilharziasis patients to provide bases for bilharziasis prevention and cure in new epidemic area.

目的 探讨血吸虫病患者心理健康状况,为新疫区血防工作提供依据。

It is a suitable method to detect bilharziasis case in a way integrated with employment health examination,clinic service,initiative surveillance and screening.


Objective The aim was to investgate the condition of non-fixed population in area of bilharziasis-spread-block,detect and treat bilharziasis from epidemic area of infectious disease and consolidate the basic achievement.


Methods Investigations were conducted with the Symptom Checklist 90(SCL90) and the Selfmade Present Condition Questionnaire for Bilharziasis Patients in 127 bilharziasis patients of suburb new epidemic area of Zhuzhou city and compared with Chinese norm.


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bile salts 胆汁盐类 | bilharziasis 血吸虫病 | biliary 胆汁的


bilharzia | 裂体血吸虫 | bilharziasis | 裂体吸虫病, 血吸虫病 | bilharziosis | 裂体吸虫病, 血吸虫病

bilharziasis:吸血虫; 吸血虫病 (名)

bilharzia 血吸虫; 血吸虫病 (名) | bilharziasis 吸血虫; 吸血虫病 (名) | biliary 胆汁的; 由于胆汁异状的; 输送胆汁的 (形)

bilharziosis; bilharziasis:住血吸虫病

\\"住血吸虫属\\",\\"Bilharz\\" | \\"住血吸虫病\\",\\"bilharziosis,bilharziasis\\" | \\"胆汁的,胆的\\",\\"biliary\\"

Cystic bilharziasis:膀胱住血裂体蛭病

Cystic bifid spine 囊状裂脊柱(畸形); 囊状脊柱裂 | Cystic bilharziasis 膀胱住血裂体蛭病 | Cystic bone tumor 骨囊瘤

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