bidding ['bidiŋ]
- bidding的基本解释
[变形] bid的现在分词
命令, 邀请, 出价
- We joined the club at his bidding.
- 我们在他邀请下参加了这个俱乐部。
- The bidding was very slow at first.
- 开始时出价的人很少。
- We gathered at his bidding.
- 我们应他的邀请在一起聚会。
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- Bidding America Goodbye (The Auction)
- Queen Of Hearts
- Diminishing Returns
- Prayer For An Innocent Man
- Layne
- The Preacher
- 拼写相近单词
- biddings
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- bidding block
- bidding prayer
- 更多 网络例句 与bidding相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The main research results in this dissertation can be given as following:Firstly, the bidding strategies and affections of generation companies on the TOU power price are analyzed; Supply function model is employed to simulate the bidding strategies of generation companies in power pool. Some meaningful results are obtained through the proposed equilibrium equations model, when different bidding parameters are selected to maximize profit of suppliers, such as the the numeral of generation company, the block bidding, and power demand elasticity. Based on these results, the affections between the bidding strategies and the TOU power price are discussed.Secondly, the important principles consider the factor of bidding strategies of generation companies and consumers gaming strategies are proposed to constitute the new TOU power price model under present electricity market. Based on these pricinples a new mathematical model of TOU power price is constructed, to evade electricity market risk, partition the peak-valley, ascertain the consumers' response curve, and protect the ambilateral profits.Thirdly, the affections of the TOU power price strategies for reducing the network loss, adjusting node voltage, improving load curve of power system, and protecting the consumers' benefits in electricity market are analyzed with applications of a city real time load data of Jiangsu province.
The main research results in this dissertation can be given as following:Firstly, the bidding strategies and affections of generation companies on the TOU power price are analyzed; Supply function model is employed to simulate the bidding strategies of generation companies in power pool. Some meaningful results are obtained through the proposed equilibrium equations model, when different bidding parameters are selected to maximize profit of suppliers, such as the the numeral of generation company, the block bidding, and power demand elasticity. Based on these results, the affections between the bidding strategies and the TOU power price are discussed.Secondly, the important principles consider the factor of bidding strategies of generation companies and consumers gaming strategies are proposed to constitute the new TOU power price model under present electricity market. Based on these pricinples a new mathematical model of TOU power price is constructed, to evade electricity market risk, partition the peak-valley, ascertain the consumers' response curve, and protect the ambilateral profits.Thirdly, the affections of the TOU power price strategies for reducing the network loss, adjusting node voltage, improving load curve of power system, and protecting the consumers' benefits in electricity market are analyzed with applications of a city real time load data of Jiangsu province.
Firstly, after the analysis on probability distribution of GenCos' bidding results, a concept of bid acceptance probability distribution function of GenCos is proposed; then based on the features of bidding structure in day-ahead and real-time markets, a multi-objective bi-level programming bidding strategy model in day-ahead and real-time markets for GenCos is built for electricity markets in which the step-wise bidding function and pay-as-bid settlement protocols are utilized; and then in order to solve the proposed model an algorithm based on Monte Carlo method and genetic algorithm is designed; finally, the simulation of numerical examples are performed to verify the correctness of the proposed model and algorithm.
首先在分析了发电商竞价结果的概率分布之后,提出了发电商竞价成功概率分布函数的概念。然后基于日前和实时市场中投标结构的特点,针对采用分段报价和按报价结算(pay as bid price,PAB)方式的电力市场,建立了日前和实时市场中发电商的多目标二层规划竞价策略模型,并设计了以蒙特卡罗方法和遗传算法为基础的求解算法。最后采用算例对所提出的模型和算法进行了仿真验证。
- 更多网络解释 与bidding相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
拍卖包括5个程序:资格审查(Qualification)、投标(Bidding)、拍卖结束(Auction)、圈价(Pricing)和股票分配(Allocation). 一旦IPO价格被确定,Google公司及股票承销商将开始分配股票. 所有的股票将以IPO价格卖出.
auction)也称为反向拍卖、出价(bidding)或招标(tendering)系统,有别于传统的正向. 的一卖方多买方形式,逆向拍卖指一种存有一位买方和许多潜在卖方的拍卖形式. 在逆向拍卖中,买方会提供商品以供出价,潜在卖方持续喊出更低的.
所需要设定的最低出价要是要害词的竞价价格低于最低展现价格,要要害词将酿成搜刮失效而自动下线要害词最低展现价格由其质量度和商业价值共同决议 竞价(Bidding) 竞价指的是当推广信息上线后,
Bidder 投标人,投标商 | Bidding 投标,出价 | bidding documents 标书
bidding documents:标书
投标书 bidding documents 汉语拼音为tou biao shu敬告:"投标书(bidding documents)与投标书的格式写法"一文如与您有版权冲突请联系站长处理,我们是公益免费论文网,不周之处,万请谅解!本文标题:投标书(bidding documents)与投标书的格式写法;
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