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Bidder bidder shall take part in May 27, 2003 to June 10, 2003 hold bidding applications, copy of business license (Personal bidder ID card holders) copy of the legal representative of the ID card and a copy of the bidding documents listed bond, to Jiaxing City Land Resources Bureau to apply for bid.
It also establishes the matrix of game between bidder A and bidder B and the matrix of game between bidder and supervisory institution.
The successful bidder acknowledges that all the vehicles shown and identified by "C" in the Lot No. of the Auction List areconfiscated vehicles and these vehicles sold by auction may not be registered or licensed for use in Hong Kong under the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, Chapter 374 unless the vehicles conform to the emission requirements for newly registered vehicles as stipulated inthe Air Pollution Control Regulations and are repaired, type approved, as required and certified to be roadworthy by the Transport Department at the successful bidder's expense and in such case unless otherwise specified in the auction list, the successful bidder
- 更多网络解释 与bidder相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
目的在于帮助各国专业分析人员能够与全球最新交易信息保持快速同步. 在此基础上,ZEPHYR更为每一笔交易中的投标者(Bidder)、卖主(Vendor)、目标公司(Target) 之间建立了动态记录关联,使用户无需进一步检索即可立即获得:
但就一般而言,一个典型的要约收购通常包括如下要素:(1)它是出价人(bidder)向目标公司全体股东发出的一项购买其所持目标公司股份的要约. (2)该要约的报价较现行的股票市价有一个升水. (3)该要约所包括的条件是确定的,不可更改.
successful bidder:拍卖成交,得标商
subsidiary company 附属公司 | successful bidder 拍卖成交,得标商 | superior quality 优等品
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