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bibulous paper的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bibulous paper

bibulous paper的基本解释


更多网络例句与bibulous paper相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Water resistant plasterboard: its core board and protective paper is waterproof, according to gb, water resistant plasterboard of face plate cores and all must meet waterproof demand (surface water quantity is not more than 160 grams, bibulous rate is no more than 10%).


Chu's PhD thesis ,( http://visgraph.cs.ust.hk/MoXi/),In that project ,he proposed a novel approach for simulate brush and pigment interact with bibulous paper, especially calligraphy brush work with chinese "Xuan" paper.

本文参考香港大学 CHU SIU HANG 的 phd 学位论文( http://visgraph.cs.ust.hk/MoXi/),并对作者的观点提出一些不同的看法和改进意见,探讨如何使用流体力学模型模拟颜料在可渗透材料上的物理运动,以实现尽可能逼真的画笔效果。

Monomeric acrylamide is a water-soluble, vinyl monomer that is used primarily to produce polyacrylamides which widely used as binding agent, thickening agent or bibulous in different industry such as wastewater treatment, petroleum extract, paper making, mining, medicine.


更多网络解释与bibulous paper相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bibulous paper:吸水性纸张

字典纸 bible paper | 吸水性纸张 bibulous paper | 帐目纸 bill paper

bibulous paper:吸水纸

bibulous 吸水的 | bibulous paper 吸水纸 | bicamera 双镜头摄影机

bibulous paper:吸收纸

bible paper 字典纸 | bibulous paper 吸收纸 | bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐