英语人>词典>英汉 : beyond all expectations的中文,翻译,解释,例句
beyond all expectations的中文,翻译,解释,例句

beyond all expectations

beyond all expectations的基本解释

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It is beyond all question that the option of "Looking to the Orient" may make Africa's development deviate from the expectations of the Occident, although there are still many uncertainties underlying such a trend.


One thing is sure, is that they do not support or even oppose the idea of substituting art, and associated with this is that they recognize the value or the value added of the fine arts. They are not esthetes, but firmly believe that art must have an aesthetic quality--in their eyes all the so-called ideas, even the most valuable concepts of art must be achieved through the aesthetic of the intermediary, even though they may oppose the concept of contemporary art's tendency to suppress the technology, but they do not flaunt technological supremacy. They acknowledge and accept the meaning of art, but they also convey the concept of artistic value in way they try to select a relatively moderate path, neutral, and not too left or right, but also East and West, ancient and modern, not avant-garde nor stale, either extremes must be avoided. And to be able to do this, we've reached the limits of a teacher's role, going beyond these expectations is not very realistic, as the less moderate we get, the further we are from a teacher's identity.


Solution teaching comes home before long, small maple however ground of beyond all expectations applies for actively to return center of rehabilitation of poison of Buddhist monastic discipline.
