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Mean follow-up was 32 months. Bacteremia occurred in 29 (26%) patients with 5 (17%) being recurrent; it was seen during the first month after transplantation in 13 (12%), between 1 and 3 months in 12 (11%), between 3 and 12 months in 3 (3%), and after the first year in 3 cases (3%).

对这些患者进行的平均随访时间为32 个月。29名患者(26%)出现了菌血性,其中5例(17%)为复发性;13例(12%)出现在移植后的第1个月,12例(11%)出现在术后第1至3个月,3例(3%)出现在3至12个月,3例(3%)出现在术后第一年。

It takes about 50d for full-scale anoxic variable rate biofilter with microbe-catalyzed media to finish start-up at 22~28C. When influent flow varies between 485~737m3/d and HRT of biofilter between 7.7~5.0h (HRT of media layer between 3.9~2.6h), effluent COD is below 120 mg/L, SS is below 30 mg/L, and some of effluent BODs is slightly above 30 mg/L (the probability is about 40%) at normal temperature of 17~27C.


Results The length between posterior superior iliac spine and greater trochanter of femur was (15.2±1.35) cm for man and (11.5±0.72) cm for woman; the length between posterior superior iliac spine and ischial tuberosity was (13.3±0.87) cm in man and (10.3±0.49) cm in woman; the length between greater trochanter of femur and ischial tuberosity was (8.3±0.83) cm in man and (5.5±0.61) cm in woman; the surface projection where the superior gluteal artery, superior gluteal veins and superior gluteal nerve permeate the suprapitiform foramen was below the point 0~6.8 mm between 2/5 superior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to greater trochanter of femur; the surface projection where the inferior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal veins and inferior gluteal nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 2/5 inferior and middle trunk from posterior superior iliac spine to ischial tuberosity; the surface projection where sciatic nerve permeate the infrapiriform foramen was at the point between 3/5 lateral and middle trunk from ischial tuberosity to greater trochanter of femur.

结果臀三角各边的长度分别为:髂后上棘转子间距,男(15.2±1.35) cm,女(11.5±0.72) cm;髂后上棘结节间距,男(13.3±0.87) cm,女(10.3±0.49) cm;转子结节间距,男(8.3±0.83) cm,女(5.5±0.61) cm。臀上动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌上孔的体表投影在髂后上棘与大转子连线中、上2/5交界处向下0~6.8 mm内;臀下动脉、静脉、神经出入梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在髂后上棘与坐骨结节连线中、下2/5处;坐骨神经出梨状肌下孔处的体表投影在坐骨结节与大转子连线中外3/5处。

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between jobs:失业

3,look before you leap 三思而后行 | 4,between jobs 失业 | 5,meet trouble half way 杞人忧天,自寻烦恼

to distinguish between:鉴别 ,区分

2 to mistake...for 错把...当作.... | 3 to distinguish between 鉴别 ,区分 | 4 to come to terms (with) 达成协定 ;妥协 ,习性 于

The Go Between:做中间人的;做中人的

1. 初冬 early winter | 2. 做中间人的;做中人的 the go-between | 3. 月白色的 pale green