英语人>词典>英汉 : benzyl-beta-phenylacrylate的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[化] β-苯丙烯酸苄酯, 肉桂酸苄酯

更多网络例句与benzyl-beta-phenylacrylate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I once overheard a well known Bedlington "personality" telling a newcomer to the breed to rump off her dogs coat then apply Benzyl benzoate to the skin.

我曾经听一个很有名的贝灵顿专家说一个新手在繁殖他的狗狗的时候再贝灵顿的身上使用Benzyl benzoate。

Previous animal model studies have shown that benzyl isothocyanate and phenethyl isothocyanate inhibit carcinogenesis and tumorigenesis. However, the effects of BITC and PEITC on the formation of human osteosarcom are still not clear.

由过去研究发现,Benzyl isothocyanate与Phenethyl isothocyanate在动物模式下可以抑制化学致癌物引起癌化与肿瘤生成,但对於人类骨肉瘤的形成尚未有相关研究。

On the basis of the initial mechanism of deiodinase and the idea of hapten design derived from the method of"hydrophobic pocket modification", three haptens of thyroxine derivatives, o-methyl-〓, o-benzyl-〓 and o-p-nitro-benzyl-〓 with successively-raising hydrophobicity, were designed and synthesized, and their structures characterized.


更多网络解释与benzyl-beta-phenylacrylate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

benzyl benzoate:苯酸苄酯

benzyl alcohol 苄醇 | benzyl benzoate 苯酸苄酯 | benzyl bromide 苄基溴

benzyl benzoic acid:苄基苯甲酸

benzyl benzoate 苯甲酸苄酯 | benzyl benzoic acid 苄基苯甲酸 | benzyl bichloride 二氯甲基苯

Benzyl benzoate A B:苯甲酸芐酯

苯甲醇 Benzyl alcohol A A A A | 苯甲酸芐酯 Benzyl benzoate A B | 苯甲氯 Benzyl chloride A A A