benevolent [bi'nevələnt]
- benevolent的基本解释
慈善的, 善意的
- The old woman had a benevolent feeling towards all cats.
- 那个老太太对所有的猫都怀有仁慈之心。
- The club received a benevolent donation.
- 该俱乐部接受了一笔慈善捐款。
- Our teachers taught us to be benevolent.
- 我们的老师教导我们应当以仁慈为怀。
- 相似词
- benevolent的同义词
- adj. kindly · charitable · good-hearted · philanthropic · eleemosynary · sympathetic · beneficent
- 相关歌词
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- Jambi
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- Automaton
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- 拼写相近单词
- benevolence
- benevolences
- benevolently
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- benevolent government
- 更多 网络例句 与benevolent相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
A person who is benevolent may have courage, but a person who have courage may not be benevolent.
For the German government to continue; there Daru, the Taoist brilliant; cloud of Confucius, the benevolent Wang Zhi-based benevolent to all advocates of political ideas.
We can see the benevolent humanism as well as his colony and enslavement under his benevolent nimbus on him.
- 更多网络解释 与benevolent相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
萨平顿和斯蒂格利茨(sapington and stiglitz,1987)曾经提出,如果国家是仁慈的(benevolent)、合同是完全的,所有制就无关紧要(irrelevant),因为国家所有者总可以模仿(mimic)私人所有者.
以上的分析隐含地假设存在着一个以最大化选民福利为目的的"慈爱"(Benevolent)型政府. 但是还有一种截然不同的观点如公共选择学派认为,不论是中央政府还是地方政府本质上都是不可信赖的自身利益最大化者,而地区间的税收竞争能对它们起到限制作用.
benefit 利益 | benevolent 慈善,仁慈的 | benign 良性,良好,亲切的
benign 和善的 | benevolent 樂善好施的 | benefit 好處
benevolent fund:慈善基金
Fund基金,专款 | benevolent fund 慈善基金 | fund accounting 基金会计
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