英语人>词典>英汉 : be beset with difficulties的中文,翻译,解释,例句
be beset with difficulties的中文,翻译,解释,例句

be beset with difficulties

be beset with difficulties的基本解释


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Must raise the student independent study manner indeed to be beset with difficulties, but time, since entrusts with us the teacher so sacred mission, we must be duty-bound not to turn back naturally.


The course of history could never be smooth, and sometimes it would be beset with difficulties and obstacles.


There is first to note that, whereas in other principalities the ambition of the nobles and the insolence of the people only have to be contended with, the Roman emperors had a third difficulty in having to put up with the cruelty and avarice of their soldiers, a matter so beset with difficulties that it was the ruin of many; for it was a hard thing to give satisfaction both to soldiers and people; because the people loved peace, and for this reason they loved the unaspiring prince, whilst the soldiers loved the warlike prince who was bold, cruel, and rapacious, which qualities they were quite willing he should exercise upon the people, so that they could get double pay and give vent to their own greed and cruelty.
