英语人>词典>英汉 : be at issue的中文,翻译,解释,例句
be at issue的中文,翻译,解释,例句

be at issue

更多网络例句与be at issue相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But for some MPs, a privacy filter may not be the issue at all.


If this is the case for you, currency conversion may be an issue at times.


The class at issue can be considered and therefore it is not possible to be understood like an aspect, mainly when


What happens to be an important issue at Harvard right now is, thinking through our undergraduate education curriculum.


Why China cannot give GOOGLE, not be technical issue at all, that just manages a problem.


加载更多网络例句 (22)
更多网络解释与be at issue相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be at issue:在争论中,不和的;待裁决的

be at a disadvantage处于不利地位 | be at issue在争论中,不和的;待裁决的 | be priced out of (价格太高而)被排挤出

be at issue:在争论中,不和之;待裁决之

BE AT A DISADVANTAGE处于不利地位 | BE AT ISSUE在争论中,不和之;待裁决之 | BE PRICED OUT OF (价格太高而)被排挤出

be at issue:在争论中,不和的;待裁决的 HCV新思路教育

be at a disadvantage处于不利地位 HCV新思路教育 | be at issue在争论中,不和的;待裁决的 HCV新思路教育 | be priced out of (价格太高而)被排挤出 HCV新思路教育

be at issue:壓尸胎嶄?音才議?棋加畳議

be at a disadvantage侃噐音旋仇了 | be at issue壓尸胎嶄?音才議?棋加畳議 | be priced out of ?勺鯉湊互遇?瓜電七竃

(be at issue with sb:与某人意见不一致. Point at issue 争点)

At issue不一致,不相容;[法律]在争论中;待裁决的 | (be at issue with sb. 与某人意见不一致. Point at issue 争点). | Bring an issue to a close 把问题解决.