英语人>词典>英汉 : be at a loss as to what to do的中文,翻译,解释,例句
be at a loss as to what to do的中文,翻译,解释,例句

be at a loss as to what to do

be at a loss as to what to do的基本解释

无所适从, 仓皇失措, 无所措手足

更多网络例句与be at a loss as to what to do相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Once the old mode is changed, they will be at a loss as to what to do.


We want to emphasize three points:(1) While we expect our super-cat business to produce satisfactory results over, say, a decade, we're sure it will produce absolutely terrible results in at least an occasional year;(2) Our expectations can be based on little more than subjective judgments - for this kind of insurance, historical loss data are of very limited value to us as we decide what rates to charge today; and (3) Though we expect to write significant quantities of super-cat business, we will do so only at prices we believe to be commensurate with risk.

我们有三点必须要强调(1)我们预期霹雳猫的业务长期来讲,假设以 10 年为期,应该可以获得令人满意的结果,当然我们也知道在这其中的某些年度成绩可能会很惨(2)我们这样的预期并非是基于客观的判断,对于这样的保险业务,历史的资料对于我们在做订价决策时并没有太大的参考价值(3)虽然我们准备签下大量的霹雳猫保单,但有一个很重要的前提那就是价格必须要能够与所承担的风险相当,所以若我们的竞争对手变得乐观积极,那幺我们的量就会马上减少,事实上过去几年市场价格有点低的离谱,这使得大部分的参与者都被用担架抬离场。