英语人>词典>英汉 : be as well without it as with it的中文,翻译,解释,例句
be as well without it as with it的中文,翻译,解释,例句

be as well without it as with it

be as well without it as with it的基本解释


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Sometimes it may be called a caryatid, which is, as I understand it, a cruel device of architecture, representing a man or a woman, obliged to hold up upon his or her head or shoulders a structure which they did not build, and which could stand just as well without as with them.


I had done a similar thing in, in Central Station where as we were on the road and when we saw the religious processions in that part of Brazil, we soon incorporated them into the film and it didn't exist in the original screenplay either and here the boy started to imitate, you know, as we went back and forth to the location and the animals were there, he started to imitate all of them and then suddenly we started to incorporate that as well, er, same thing with the fire-eater, when she started to show us what she could do, we, we immediately started to, you know, to organically incorporate those elements into the screenplay and that is really a fascinating part of our film, it's the collaborative aspect of it, you know, it's when you realise that without every single person's input, the film wouldn't be the same and this is what really makes cinema depart from most medium, is that you have to accept it's democratic quality, you know, essence in order for a film to really be alive and interesting to watch, I guess.

唔,有趣的是当卡戴尔看完电影就跑来对我说,你知道吗这是最忠于原著的改编版,可很多元素都不同,最后,我认为当你改编小说时,当你把文学转化成电影时,真正需要重视的是小说精髓之处,这比什么都要紧,并且创造出一种两者如对立沟通式的对白而不只是改编,ipsis literis,你知道这书,运用他作为深刻的灵感来源,他允许你探究,你知道,没有素材来源不可能投入进去,有次我看库布里克的访谈,其中说到他偏爱主人公容易塑造的小说而不是小说本身,如此他就能专注于故事构架和情节而不是依照原本,这我可以明白,但换个角度说,如果我自己没有被故事打动,如果是这样,故事无法让我产生共鸣那进行二次创作很困难,因为人物本身就显得很单薄无法定位和改编,但我真的能理解他的感受。

I want to love you But how this is That I can love you If I do not see you I want to love you Very pure or almost Like the priests Who do not marry The clotrées sisters Who preserve For a good old man God who hides I want to love you Of course I dream some But how want You that it goes I want to me Mo well Quer of the proverb Who known as "far from Eyes, far from the heart " God that they is false That it is sour That they is express To frighten us I want to me endor well Mir each evening By blotissant me Against anybody With your body In my memory As a grandmamma Who cries her man I want to love you Even until believing In the possible ones Advantages To mix Our two stories Into perpetual Shift I want to force well All these chances Who r' fuse to play In our favour And then to gain The chance to see you Two small days Or two small hours I want to love you But how this is That I can love you If I am not there To wrap you Of my tenderness And to comfort you If that does not go Yes I want well To love you by far The very full heart Of your great vacuum To love you love And of sorrow To love you for nothing Wet eyes I want to love you But to be frank I am not solid If I do not see you I am like blind man Without white cane Ni dog-guide… And without your arm To cross This street That one calls The ocean To cross But to you Y' does not have a large Assez rainbow I want to love you Of course In any event Do I have the choice I am trapped I am lost I turn in round I love you already Even if I feel That I éreinte With you to seek Tended arms In this alarming Labyrinth Too much complicated And too twisted I will love you Even if all that It is without exit It is impossible And I will believe in it As others believe In the Baby Jesus And with the Bible I do not know yet How this is That I will love you If I do not see you But I will love you It is a promise Hear you That I say to you there?!!
