英语人>词典>英汉 : basking shark的中文,翻译,解释,例句
basking shark的中文,翻译,解释,例句

basking shark

basking shark的基本解释


basking shark所属的单词分类
Animal / 动物 [799]

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Fish / 鱼 [140]

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更多网络例句与basking shark相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The basking shark, estimated to weigh 2,000 pounds, washed ashore on the town beach a few miles east of Jones Beach.


Made by gutting a Greenland or Basking shark and then fermenting it for two to four months, hakarl is an Icelandic food that reeks with the smell of ammonia.

所作的卡廷1格陵兰或姥鲨,然后发酵有2至4个月, hakarl是冰岛的食物reeks与氨的气味。

The basking shark and whale shark are killed mainly for their fins and meat, and the great white shark for its jaws and teeth, he said.


Like the basking shark and whale shark, swims with its huge mouth wide open, filtering water for plankton and jellyfish.


The mouthy basking shark is a filter-feeder.


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更多网络解释与basking shark相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basking shark:象鲛

这些大型神秘海洋生物尸体最有可能是象鲛 (Basking Shark) 的尸体,因为象鲛的肌肉组织会在尸体分解期间生出一层毛茸茸的白色表层. 此外,大型神秘海洋生物尸体常在有象鲛大量出没的岸边被发现的事实,也让此理论获得了进一步的支持.

basking shark:姥鯊

与灰鲭鲨还有三种长尾鲨(thresher)一起被列入报告的全球濒危物种还包括钟头变髻鲨(smooth hammerhead)、大白鲨、姥鲨(basking shark)、远洋白??(oceanic whitetip shark)、国际自然保护联盟发布的濒危物种红色目录是世界上最广泛也最具权威的植物和动物物种保护名录.

basking shark:姥鲛,姥鲨

basketwork | 编织物 | basking shark | 姥鲛,姥鲨 | Basle | 巴塞尔(瑞士西北部城市,在莱茵河畔)

basking shark,whale shark:姥鲛,象鲛,鲸鲨

"篮型蒸发器","basket type evaporator" | "姥鲛,象鲛,鲸鲨","basking shark,whale shark" | "嗜碱[细]菌","basophilic bacteria,basiphilic bacteria"

whale shark, basking shark:鲸鲨,姥鲛,象鲛

鲸油 whale oil | 鲸鲨,姥鲛,象鲛 whale shark, basking shark | 鲸脂 whale tallow