basement ['beismənt]
- basement的基本解释
地下室, 墙脚
- It is rather damp in the basement.
- 地下室很潮湿。
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- In The Basement, Part 1
- Bodies In The Basement
- Basement
- In The Basement
- Black Rooster
- My Grandma's Basement
- basement所属的单词分类
Housing & Dwelling / 房屋与居住
yaodong · tudor · threshhold · terraced house · storage shed · row house · light switch · garage door opener · garage door · fuse box
Room / 房间
ladies' room · tack room · sick room · screen porch · Panic Room · mud room · hospital room · cold room · clean room · prison cell
- 更多 网络例句 与basement相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
We conclude that the urinary bladder ECM but not the small intestine- or lier-deried ECM contains a surface with composition and morphology consistent with that of an intact basement membrane complex, that the basement membrane complex can surie processing, and that the basement membrane structure can modulate in itro cell growth patterns.
Methods The thickness of retinal capillary basement membrane and glomerular basement membrane and their anionic sites were quantitatively analyzed by electron microscopy and immunohistochemical methods.Results RBM and GBM became gradually thickened with the development of diabetes. The thickened basement membrane was accompanied with decrease of anionic sites in number.Conclusion DR and DN share partly the pathological process, and there are also some incoordinate phenomena in the microvascular lesion.
Therefore, above-mentioned age dating together with previous chronologic data led us to conclude that the Sulu HP-UHP nappes have two basements: the Early-Middle Protrozoic (≥2400 Ma) basement in the N. Sulu and the Neoprotrozoic (700-800 Ma) basement in the S. Sulu. The basement ages in the N. Sulu together with its western part of the no-UHP metamorphic area (Laiyang-Penglai) are similar and named by the Jiao-Liao-Korea block belong to the NCP. Besides, the boundary between both of the S. Sulu UHP area and JLKB is along north Wulian and south Haiyangsuo.
北苏鲁超高压变质地区的花岗质片麻岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年表明,变质基底的年龄是2400Ma(或>2400Ma),并经历了1800~1700Ma和~200Ma的变质事件,研究表明苏鲁高压-超高压变质地体由2个不同时代变质基底组成,北苏鲁的变质基底属于北中国板块胶辽朝地块的一部分,形成时代比南苏鲁基底老得多,其与南苏鲁地块之间的界限位于五莲以北到海阳所以南一线。
- 更多网络解释 与basement相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
大厦的各单位中,以"地下室"(Basement)的租金最平,可是,地下室处于地下,湿度最低,虽然有暖气供应,体质弱的人仍觉冷. 在下雪时,积雪把土库的窗户遮闭,终日昏昏暗暗的,教人很不自在.
循例在没有order之前,是先把底层(basement)的"练功房"的洗手盘和地板洗了. 刚刚要开始洗其中一个男厕的时候,发现洗手盘上满是喷散状的干血迹,然后背后的坐厕间的门轻轻的关上了. 难道见鬼了?缓缓的转过身,然后走近,徐徐的把门打开,
伴随平滑断层作用(strike-slip faulting)产生的褶皱作用...当断层只切过基盘(basement)而未切穿上覆的沈积岩岩层时:...则断层作用时,上覆的岩层会因为断层的相对运动引起的
basement membrane:基底膜
如透明角质颗粒、被膜颗粒、张力原纤维等. 这些成分中任何一种如有缺乏,均可影响角质的形成. 由于角质上层细胞间的桥粒逐渐消失,使它们能有规律的脱落,保持表皮的正常厚度. (六)基底膜 基底膜(Basement membrane)是真皮和表皮的交界,在
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