英语人>词典>英汉 : barium octahydrate的中文,翻译,解释,例句
barium octahydrate的中文,翻译,解释,例句

barium octahydrate

barium octahydrate的基本解释


更多网络例句与barium octahydrate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using barium hydroxide octahydrate and urea as raw material,barium carbonate is prepared by homogeneous precipitation method.


The melting temperatures were found to be 71℃ for aluminum nitrate enneahydrate and 76℃ for barium hydroxide octahydrate, respectively. The measured temperature of fusion agreed with the data in literature.

但这些无机水合物在不同温度下的导热系数未见系统报道,为此,本文测定了一系列熔化热大于150 kJkg-1、熔点低于100℃的无机水合物在10℃~80℃温度范围的导

Aluminum nitrate enneahydrate and barium hydroxide octahydrate are considered as potential phase change materials for energy storage. In this work, the thermal conductivities of aluminum nitrate enneahydrate and barium hydroxide octahydrate were measured in the temperature range from 10℃ to 80℃, by means of a calorimeter equipped with a thermistor.


更多网络解释与barium octahydrate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

barium hydroxide octahydrate:氢氧化钡(八水合物)

m8255 苯(甲)酸 benzoic acid | m8256 氢氧化钡(八水合物) barium hydroxide octahydrate | m8257 氯化羟铵 hydroxylammonium chloride

barium octahydrate:八水氢氧化钡

barium nitrite 亚硝酸钡 | barium octahydrate 八水氢氧化钡 | barium oxalate 草酸坝