ballot ['bælət]
- ballot的基本解释
投票, 投票用纸, 抽签
- Her name has been put on the ballot.
- 她已被列为候选人。
- The club members held a secret ballot to choose the chairperson.
- 俱乐部成员用无记名投票选举负责人。
- I cast a ballot for him.
- 我投他一票。
投票, 抽签
- They balloted for a new chairman.
- 他投票选举了新主席。
投票选出, 拉选票
- Members were balloted on the resolution.
- 会员们被人拉票对这个议案投了赞成票。
- 相似词
- ballot的同义词
- n. vote
- 拼写相近单词
- ballocks
- ballon
- ballonet
- ballonets
- balloon
- balloonation
- ballooned
- ballooner
- balloonet
- balloonfish
- 更多 网络例句 与ballot相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The present investigation ballot on network is issued mostly using some famous websites with the form of advertisement, ordinary business household is hard to bear the advertising page cost of high volume, therefore serve specially for the normally business household design homepage where develops a professional investigation ballot systematic website and offers shuttering form for some little company or enterprise , issue the questionnaire ballot system of product feedback and advertising propagative role to have certain application value.
The present investigation ballot on network is issued mostly using some famous websites with the form of advertisement, ordinary business household is hard to bear the advertising page cost of high volume, therefore serve specially for the normally business household design homepage where develops a professional investigation ballot systematic website and offers shuttering form for some little company or enterprise , issue the questionnaire ballot system of product feedback and advertising propagative role to have certain application value.
The present investigation ballot on network is issued mostly using some famous websites with the form of advertisement, ordinary business household is hard to bear the advertising page cost of high volume, therefore serve specially for the normally business household design homepage where develops a professional investigation ballot systematic website and offers shuttering form for some little company or enterprise , issue the questionnaire ballot system of product feedback and advertising propagative role to have certain application value.
如何联系:①记住本论文编号[ ASP0383];②在以下选取任一方式联系我们以下为此套论文论文摘要、论文目录及部分运行界面。目前网络上的调查投票大多是利用一些知名网站以宣传广告的形式发布的,普通商业用户难以承受高额的广告版面费用,因此专门为一般商业用户设计开发一个专业调查投票系统网站,为一些小公司或企业提供模板形式的主页服务,发布产品反馈和广告宣传作用的问卷投票系统具有一定的应用价值。
- 更多网络解释 与ballot相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
[星岛记者马尔婷柔似蜜市报道]选举时间日益临近,针对不少选民把选票样本(Sample Ballot)误当选票(Ballot)的现象,胡桃(Walnut)市市议员林恩成11日表示,很多选民对投票抱有各种"以为"的想法,以至最后"没有真的把票投进去".
微软表示,已放弃为了避免违反欧盟竞争法而将IE浏览器独立于Windows 7操作系统之外的计划,但将提供使用者"投票"(ballot)权,让他们选择是否安装IE或其它浏览器.
一年一度的奥斯卡金像奖由美国电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)的近6000名成员投票(ballot)评选产生. 每年2月,学院会根据投票结果公布提名名单(nominations announcement),接下来按照传统,
bail 保释,保释金 | ballot 选票,投票 | bank book 银行存折
secret ballot:不记名投票
不怀恶意的谎言 white lie | 不记名投票 secret ballot | 不结盟运动 non-aligned movement
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