英语人>词典>英汉 : ballistic pendulum的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ballistic pendulum的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ballistic pendulum

ballistic pendulum的基本解释

[化] 冲击摆

更多网络例句与ballistic pendulum相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The specific application of the system is given, for example, ballistic curve movement, rigid pendulum and reference system of movement.


In comparison with the experimental data measured using the ballistic pendulum method, the present calculation method is superior to Pirri's original model.


The primary principle of micro-impulse measurement using laser interferometry is described, and impulse can obtained by measuring tiny vibration of ballistic pendulum.


The principle and system structure of direct measurement method and indirect measurement methods ( including thrust wall pressure integral method and ballistic pendulum method) are introduced.


The analysis is carried out using the, explicit finite element program LS-DYNA3D. The results are compared with data from physical tests using a ballistic pendulum impacting soil-mounted guardrail posts. The results show that the post-soil model is e...

由非线性显示有限元程序LS DYNA3D分析,通过用弹性摆撞击埋在地基里的立柱测试结果进行比较,结果表明,立柱地基模型是有效的、切实可行的,并可应用在护栏模型里。

更多网络解释与ballistic pendulum相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ballistic pendulum:冲击摆

ballistic galvanometer 冲击电流计,冲击检流计 | ballistic pendulum 冲击摆 | Balmer series 巴耳末系,巴耳末光谱

ballistic pendulum:弹道摆锤

Anvil [底火砧座] | Ballistic pendulum [弹道摆锤] | Ballistics [弹道学]

ballistic pendulum:弹道摆

ballistic missile 弹道式导弹 | ballistic pendulum 弹道摆 | ballistic trajectory 弹道曲线

ballistic pendulum:冲悔

ballistic error 冲惑差 | ballistic pendulum 冲悔 | ballistic rocket 弹道火箭

ballistic pendulum test:弹道摆试验

ballistic mortar test 弹道臼炮试验 | ballistic pendulum test 弹道摆试验 | ballistite 巴里斯泰特炸药

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