英语人>词典>英汉 : ball cock的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标
ball cock的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

ball cock ['bɔ:lkɔk]

ball cock的基本解释

浮球阀, 浮球旋塞, 球形阀

更多网络例句与ball cock相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a design ideology and realization method of the medical intelligent oxygen flowmeter based on a single chip computer are proposed, which performs the coding by the aid of the rotating angle of the nob on the valve of the metal ball cock oxygen flowmeter and aims at the corresponding relationship of the valve nob rotating angle and flow of the oxygen flowmeter available in hospitals.

小 摘要:针对医院现有吸氧系统中金属浮球氧气流量计阀门手柄旋转角度和流量的对应关系,通过对手柄旋转角度进行编码,提出了一种基于单片机的医用智能氧气流量计的设计思想与实现方法,对病人吸氧时氧气流量和总吸氧量进行记录。

Ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, monkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity I-bar, O-ring, T-square, octahedron, zigzag chain, gable roof, cross stitch, set square, arch dam, cam shaft, cone buoy, U-bolt,?


Ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, m onkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity


Ball bearing, test bed, carrier rocket, pneumatic cushion, tractor shoe, monkey driver, ball cock, automatic pecker, worm auger, decay daughter, sister metal, foreign tissue, getter pump, ghost image, heel block, heartman, downer, at farm, mosquito bomb, plastic stockings, nose cap, flu mask, first aid, fire engine, skid chain, sweet water, drug-fast, vital capacity


A triple purpose product featuring a toilet tank ball cock fill valve, anti-siphon backflow preventer, and a thermal expansion relief valve.


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更多网络解释与ball cock相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ball cock:浮球阀

ball blanket ||[消]塑料球覆盖层 | ball cock||浮球阀 | ball hydrant ||[消]球形消防栓

ball cock:球形旋塞

ball clay 球粘土 | ball cock 球形旋塞 | ball cold header 钢球冷镦机

ball cock:球旋塞;浮动旋塞

ball coal 球状煤 | ball cock 球旋塞;浮动旋塞 | ball collar thrust bearing 滚珠环止推轴承

ball cock:浮球旋塞

ball cock 浮球阀 | ball cock 浮球旋塞 | ball collar thrust bearing 环形球推力轴承

ball cock assemblies:浮球阀装置

ball cock 浮球旋塞,浮球阀 | ball cock assemblies 浮球阀装置 | ball cock tap 浮球阀,旋塞,龙头

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