award [ə'wɔ:d]
- award的基本解释
- Phil was awarded the top prize.
- 菲尔获得头奖。
- The judge awarded him $1000 as damages.
- 法官判给他损害赔偿金一千元。
- Mrs. Jones was awarded $1000.00 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband.
- 琼斯太太跟丈夫离婚后,根据法院判决她每月可得到一千美元的赡养费。
奖品, 判决
- The novel earned him a literary award.
- 这部长篇小说为他赢得文学奖。
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- Award Tour
- I've Come For My Award
- I'll Award You With My Body
- Awards Show (Interlude)
- Award Show Taylor Swift
- Trophy
- 更多 网络例句 与award相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Throughout his public service career, Peter Kinder has been honored by various groups for his record and achievements· His awards include: Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout; a special award from St· Louis Children's Hospital, SSM Cardinal Glennon Hospital, and Children's Mercy of Kansas City for support of the State Children's Health Program and health care programs benefiting Missouri children; March of Dimes for Continued Commitment to Infant Healthcare; Southeast Missouri State University Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award; St· Louis Business Journal Legislative Award; Missouri Farm Bureau Outstanding Service to Agriculture; St· Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association Lewis and Clark Statesman Award for Outstanding Leadership; Missouri Restaurant Association Distinguished Service; Associated Industries of Missouri Voice of Missouri Business; Missouri Right to Life Defender of Life; Southeast Missouri Alliance for Disability Independence Elected Official Award; SSM Cardinal Glennon Hospital Child Advocate Award for Civic Commitment; National Federation of Independent Businesses Guardian of Small Business; Missouri State Medical Association for dedication to improving health care; and Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry Spirit of Enterprise· cil, a Washington, D·C·, based association of state legislators
在他的公职生涯中,一直保持着各项记录和奖项,其中包括:美国男童军雄鹰奖,圣路易儿童医院特别奖,堪萨斯市儿童慈善奖(支持国家儿童健康和保健计划,并使密苏里儿童从中获益),三月Dimes奖(坚持对婴儿健康项目的承诺),东南密苏里州立大学校友会杰出服务奖,圣路易商业杂志立法奖,密苏里州农场局优秀农业服务奖,圣路易地区商业发展协会颁发的刘易斯和克拉克杰出政治家领导奖,密苏里餐厅协会杰出服务奖,密苏里工业企业协会颁发的密苏里商业之声奖,密苏里捍卫生命权奖,东南密苏里残疾人士联盟颁发的政府奖,SSMG Cardinal Glennon 医院公益承诺与儿童奖,全国独立企业联盟小型企业卫士奖,密苏里州医药协会颁发的改善医疗保健服务奖,密苏里商业和工业协会颁发的企业精神奖及美国法律交流委员会颁发的奖项。
The Hakka singer Sheng-Hsiang Lin (who was awarded for 'the best Hakka singer' and whose album was award for 'the best Hakka album') refused to receive the awards. He said,'this award should categorize music by music genre instead of ethnic group. I feel the Golden Melody Award is outdated. I have been invited to many music festivals in other countries, and we are always categorized as world music or folk music. I suggest the board of this award open their minds and make some audacious changes. I propose that we abolish this award because this award deprives the Hakka singers' opportunities to join the positive competitions with other singers and decentralizes the Hakka songs.
It is granted a patent by the Intellectual Property Department, and awarded the WTO Medicine Public Health Technology Award from the Ministry of Health, the Award of Contribution to the Technological Advancement from the Ministry of Technology, the first prize of the Technological Advancement, the second prize of the Patent and Invention, the Important Achievement Award in the first East and West Medical Forum, the Golden Award in the Patent Exposition in Genevese, London, Hong Kong and Munich of UNESCO, the Golden Award in the 21st, 51st Eureca World Invention Exposition. And it wins the right to import and export from the Foreign Trade Ministry.
- 更多网络解释 与award相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
所谓仲裁(arbitration)又称公断,是指买卖双方在争议发 生之前或发生之后,签订书面协议,自愿将争议提交双方所同 意的第三者予以裁决(award),以解决争议的一种方式.
一、种苗活力NTEP最新评比结果显示,"五步高"系列品种中" 优势"(Impact)、"使命"(NuDestiny)、"解放"(Liberato r)、"奖品"(Award)及"蓝宝"(Rambo)等在173个参赛品种中位居前25位.
Academy Award:奥斯卡金像奖
"奥斯卡金像奖"(Academy Award)的正式名称是"电影艺术与科学学院奖",1927年设立,每年一次在美国洛杉矶举行. 半个多世纪来一直享有盛誉. 它不令反映美国电影艺术的发展进程和就而且对世界许多国家的电影艺术有着不可忽视的影响.
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