英语人>词典>英汉 : autopolyploid的中文,翻译,解释,例句



同源多倍体, 同源多倍性的

更多网络例句与autopolyploid相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the genetic diversity between diploid and autopolyploid watermelon.


In the self-bred progenies of autopolyploid,we found that a very few chimaeraexist in the cells of root tips,but most of them had no change in ploidy. We also found13 diploid plants in the experimental plot (ratio is 0.46%) and can be divided into 4categories.


These results indicated some differences from other investigated autopolyploid plants in autopolyploid watermelon. Autotriploid watermelon, in particular, showed unusual characters of genome structure and DNA methylation status, which may be closely associated with the oddploidy effect and the excellent traits present in triploid plants.


Love was the maternal donor of the polyploid Elymus; the "Y" genome existed in the StY-genome Elymus may be differentiated from the St genome, i.e., the autopolyploid StSt-genome species probably experienced genomic differentiation within a species after autopolyploidy, leading to the significant genomic change and resulting the StY-genome allotetraploids; the StY genome species distributed in the Central Asia with a high level of genetic diversity radiated to the Western and Eastern Asia, under the environmental selection and other factors, and only a few species spread to the western Asia and most species have remained in the Central and eastern Asia.


更多网络解释与autopolyploid相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


32同源多倍体(autopolyploid)同一物种经过染色体加倍形成的多倍体,称为同源多倍体. 33非整倍体(aneuploid)有一种染色体数目的变异,是增减一条或几条,染色体数目不是整倍数,所以叫非整倍体.


autopolyhaploid 同源多倍单倍体的 | autopolyploid 同源多倍性的;同源多倍体 | autopolyploidy 同源多倍性


\\"肢梢;肢身\\",\\"autopodium\\" | \\"同源多倍型\\",\\"autopolyploid\\" | \\"验尸;尸体解剖\\",\\"autopsy\\"

autopolyploidy; autopolyploid:同源多倍性

同源的 homologous | 同源多倍性 autopolyploidy; autopolyploid | 同源器官 homologous organs

duplicational polyploid; autopolyploid:重複多倍體;同源多倍體

重複的;多次複出 decompound | 重複多倍體;同源多倍體 duplicational polyploid; autopolyploid | 重複基因順序 duplicated genes sequence