英语人>词典>英汉 : attorney general的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标
attorney general的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

attorney general [ə'tə:ni-'dʒenərəl]

attorney general的基本解释

首席检察官, (美国)司法部长, 检查长, 首席检查官

更多网络例句与attorney general相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not the Attorney General who actually appealed to the Court of Appeal, were ordered to be paid out of the estate as In re Rymer, it being admitted on all hands that the Attorney General could not be ordered to pay them.


Today, Attorney General Meese said that if Waldheim were to express a desire to visit the US, the details of his case that emerged today would be additional facts in the government's review of the whole matter.

今天, Attorney General Meese 说如果 Waldheim 会表达他想访问美国的愿望,今天已经被揭露的他的案件的细节将成为重新整个案件的附加因素。

Assistant Attorney General Doug Beecham: There is nothing in the law to support Mr Bombay's request that he be assisted in his quest to die. And that's what this is.

律师General Doug Beecham: Bombay先生请求协助死亡并冷冻的请求,法律中没有可支持的条款,那意味着协助自杀。

更多网络解释与attorney general相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attorney General:司法部长

(一)电子监视的申请程序该法第1802节规定,提出电子监视申请的前提是"总统已经通过书面授权赋予了司法部长(attorney general)批准电子监视申请的权力".

Attorney General:检察官

1996年2月8日,也即美国总统刚刚签署CDA法案不久,美国公民与权利协会(ACLU)连同其它二十个民间和非政府组织⑼以原告的身份将美国首席检察官(Attorney General)和美国司法部(The department of justice) 告上法庭,挑战CDA法案§223(a)(1)和§223(d)的合宪性.

Attorney General:检察总长

1990年9月,检察总长(Attorney General)和首席法官(Chief Justice)指示香港法律改革委员会对关于无力偿债的法律和实践进行检讨并提交报告,其中要求"研究其他司法管辖区的现行的或拟议中的立法,特别是英国1986年无力偿债法和美国破产法第11章,