- attenuated的基本解释
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- attenuate
- attenuates
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- attenuated toxin
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In order to probe the absorb coefficients of earth medium by the direct wave, reflected wave and transmied wave amplititude which are picked up from the radar wave racords yielded by finite element method,the paper gives out the attenuated radar wave equations in time domain and the attenuated radar wave differential equations while the motion changes simple harmonic with time and electric parametets change slowly with space.
摘 要 为了用有限元方法生成雷波正演记录,从而拾取直达波、反射波、透射波振幅信息,以确定介质吸收系数,文章在时间域给出了雷达波含衰减项的波动方程,及在运动随时间简谐变化以及电性参数随空间缓变的条件含衰减项的雷达波遵循的简化微分方程。
Tenella YL attenuated strain were used to infect chickens perorally, then the abundant sporulated oocysts were collected by saturated saline floating measure. The size of the attenuated oocysts was about 19.8~21.2×15.5~16.6μm and the conformation of the strains were integral. 4 The prepatent period of E.
tenella YL减毒株孢子化卵囊经口服感染鸡,用饱和食盐水漂浮法能够收集得到球虫孢子化卵囊,杂质少,形态完整,减毒株卵囊的大小为19.8~21.2×15.5~16.6μm。
Compared the pcDNA-GPV-VP3 DNA vaccine groups with live attenuated vaccine contro1 group, 3, 6μg groups and 50μg group indued the number of CD4~+, CD8~+T T-lymphocytes higher than live attenuated vaccine control group.
- 更多网络解释 与attenuated相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Attenuated vaccine:减毒疫苗
一,前言...本节所述不活化疫苗(inactivated vaccine)与减毒疫苗(attenuated vaccine)...是指细菌或病毒不经基因工程技术重组核酸之全生物体疫苗(whole-organism
Attenuated vaccine:减毒活疫苗
立克次体,衣原体或螺旋体等制备的生物制品称为疫苗.(1)活疫苗(live vaccines) 是用人工定向诱导的方法或直接从自然界筛选出的毒力高度减弱或基本无毒的微生物制成的预防制剂,也称减毒活疫苗(attenuated vaccine).常用的活疫苗有卡介苗(BCG),
Attenuated vaccine:驯化疫苗,减毒疫苗
\\"驯化的,减毒的\\",\\"attenuated\\" | \\"驯化疫苗,减毒疫苗\\",\\"attenuated vaccine\\" | \\"驯化病毒,减毒病毒\\",\\"attenuated virus\\"
他我们可以用使用深度帖图阴影来模拟柔和的光线追踪 (RayTracing) 的效果 .衰减 (ATTENUATED) 这个词的含义是消减和柔化阴影 . 在以下的例子中 , 我们通过调整阴影的颜色来减弱阴影的亮度 . 我们这里所演示的技巧在某些场景中是十分有效的 .
早期以孢子小体为主而发展的疫苗,主要是发现由疟蚊唾液腺出来的孢子小体,经放射线照射减毒(attenuated)后作为疫苗,可诱导完全免疫保护作用. 虽然从疟蚊收集孢子小体作为疫苗的来源,不切实际(无法大量产生),但因可引发保护性免疫力,
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