at the point of crisis
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Finally through to the GMRY crisis management present situation analysis and the company interior crisis cause based on the strategic stratification plane and the operation stratification plane two stratification planes, launches the strategic stratification plane and the operation stratification plane research from the management study basic strategy management process frame and the balance idea branch customs station frame to the GMRY enterprise crisis cause, and the method which using the subjective tax power and the objective tax power, qualitative and the quota unifies determined the target the weight, unifies using the level analytic method and the fuzzy synthesis judgment law then constructs the GMRY crisis to forewarn the distinction model, and forewarns the analysis system through the enterprise crisis, surveys crisis condition which GMRY at present locates, And proposed the crisis forewarns the solution and the implementation enterprise crisis early warning system measure and the suggestion.
Firstly, it would describe the meanings, feature(threatening, complex, uncertain, emergent, ambiguous and newsy),development (incubate stage, acute stage, chronic stage and resolution stage)of crisis management and several kinds of campus crisis. Secondly, it would comment the basic conceptions of crisis management. Thirdly, it would introduce the meanings of campus crisis and explain campus crisis management. Finally, the author would attempt to construct the mechanism of campus crisis management and offer some suggestions to education and hope to promote the competence of campus crisis management, let the students learning with safe and growth with health.
There is a lesson to be learned from Japan's response to financial crisis, Japanese experts say."When a bubble bursts and the financial system gets destabilized, providing liquidity is not enough to overcome a crisis," Yutaka Yamaguchi, who served as deputy governor at the Bank of Japan during part of the financial crisis here, told one newspaper."Unless financial institutions get recapitalized by raising funds in the markets or receiving public funds, the financial crisis will not end. That's the lesson should learn from Japan's financial crisis." Yamaguchi says the U.S. financial model has effectively gone bankrupt. We are witnessing a "turning point," he adds—just as in the 1930s
日本从金融危机中吸取了教训,日本专家说,&当泡沫破灭金融系统动荡不安,倘若流动性不足以克服危机& Yutaka Yamaguchi曾在日本经济危机时期任日本银行副总裁,对记者说&除非通过市场积累资金和吸纳公众资金令金融体系获取资本,否则金融危机不会结束,这是美国应该从日本金融危机中学到的教训& Yamaguchi认为美国金融模式实质上已经破产,我们在见证&转折点&,他补充道,就像三十年代那样。
- 更多网络解释 与at the point of crisis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Famine crisis:灾害危机
金融风险:financial crisis | 灾害危机:Famine crisis | 营销危机:Marketing Crisis
lovelorn crisis:失恋危机
危机传播:crisis communication | 失恋危机:lovelorn crisis | 危机干预:crisis intervention
speculate crisis:投机风潮
危机防范:Crisis precaution | 投机风潮:speculate crisis. | 流动性危机:Liquidity Crisis