英语人>词典>英汉 : at one sitting的中文,翻译,解释,例句
at one sitting的中文,翻译,解释,例句

at one sitting

at one sitting的基本解释


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So you could easily take in 800 to 1,600 calories at one sitting choosing the high-fat options.


I read the book at one sitting.


At one sitting~ where am I going to catch that many?


If it happens to be a thin book, I read from cover to cover at one sitting.


If it happens to be a thin one, I often finish reading it at one sitting.


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at one sitting:一口气地

at one remove | 隔一代(之嫡亲) | at one sitting | 一口气地 | at one stroke | 一笔, 一举

at one sitting = without stopping:一口气地

69 take charge of 控制或掌管 | 70 at one sitting = without stopping一口气地 | 71 at will 随意,任意

I finished the book at one sitting:一口气读完这本书

ending 结尾, 结局 | I finished the book at one sitting. 一口气读完这本书. | types 类型

at a/one sitting in one period of activity:坐的一段时间;一口气(干)

shrug off (sth.) dismiss as not deserving one's attention 对......不屑... | conjure up bring into the mind or cause to be remembered ... | at a/one sitting in one period of activity 坐的一段时间;一口气(干)

You've read my columns. - Not all at one sitting, one reading... one right after the other:你看过我的专栏 但我没有一口气看过它们 看着它们我受到很大的刺激

I gotta say, it was tough... | - You've... | I really got how ...