英语人>词典>英汉 : assart的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

assart [æ'sɑ:t]


开垦, 开垦地



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The new area of assart field reaches to five thousands hektare .


Firstly, as the population of the landmass immigrants and local residents kept growing, people had to assart more fields and introduce new crops to meet their needs. Secondly, people also consumed plenty of woods for their daily lives. Thirdly, the development of lumbering led to the further vanishment of forests. Besides, the gerentocratic pillage was another reason that couldn't be neglected.


In nearer ten years, assart grassland is very serious in the northern grassland, and show "two raise and three decrease","two raise" are farmland raise and garden raise,"three decrease" are grass decrease, forest area decrease and pasture area decrease.


The court reinforced the"Eight Banner" in early Qing Dynasty, meanwhile, it encouraged the Han nationality people went to the northeast China to assart land in order to get the ragged economy of Liaoshen area recovered.

清初 ,清廷在加强东北驻防八旗的同时,积极鼓励关内汉族民人出关开垦土地,恢复辽沈地区残破的经济。

A study on the dynamics of soil bulk density,soil organic matter,soil microbes and other soil ecological factors under different human disturbance (logging and assart,logging but without assart,control)were conducted in the Ziwuling secondary forest area.


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