英语人>词典>英汉 : arterio-arctia的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[医] 动脉狭窄, 动脉缩窄

更多网络例句与arterio-arctia相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consequ more neurasthenia, more aspirin, more expens illnesses, more colitis, append and dyspepsia, more soften brain and harden livers, more ulcer duodenum and lacer intestines, overwork stomach and overtax kidneys, inflam bladder and outrag spleens, dilat heart and shatter nerves, more flat chest and high blood pressure, more diabetes. Bright' disease, beri-beri, rheumatism, insomnia, arterio-sclerosis, piles, fistulas, chronic dysentry, chronic constipation, loss of appetit and weari of life.


HR, MAP, CO, MPAP, PCWP and CVP were recorded before OLV, at 30 min after OLV and 20 min after infusing above liquids. At the same time, arterious, venous and arterio-venous samples were collected to determine pH, PaO2, PaCOa, PvOz, SvO2, SaOa respectively.


Objective To investigate the cause of native arterio-venous fistula aneurysm and prevention measures. Methods There were 7 cases with snuff-box arteriovenous fistula and 53 cases with brachiocephalic fistulas. Among them, 14 patients had to made second fistulas in the same arm .Spring tape around the arm was used to stop bleeding after dialysis.

目的 研究血液透析患者动静脉内瘘动脉瘤形成的原因及预防措施方法选取我科透析患者60例,其中鼻咽窝7例,左右臂内瘘53例(第二次同侧手臂手术14例);穿刺方法绳梯式穿刺和局域穿刺;止血方法主要采用弹力绷带压迫法。

更多网络解释与arterio-arctia相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arrhythmia simulator:心律失常模拟器

arrhythmia monitor心律失常监护仪 | arrhythmia simulator 心律失常模拟器 | arteri-; arterio-动脉


\\"动脉纤维化\\",\\"arterio-fibrosis\\" | \\"动脉搏描记,动脉照相\\",\\"arteriogram\\" | \\"动脉搏描记器\\",\\"arteriograph\\"


arterio-angiography apparatus 动脉血管造影设备 | arteriograph 动脉搏记录器 | arteriosonde 超声波血压计