arrhythmia [ə'riðmiə]
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objective to study the effect of qingshanjianxin tablet on treating arrhythmia.methods sixty wistar mouse were ransdomed into six groups, aconitine evocate arrhythmia, and continuously observe the changes of electrocardiogram and record the latent period, the lasting time of the arrhythmia and the death rate.results qingshanjianxin tablet can prolong the latent period of the arrhythmia, shorten the lasting time of arrhythmia and lower the death rate.
目的 研究青山健心片抗心律失常的作用机制。方法采用乌头碱诱发wistar大鼠心律失常,持续观察心电图变化直至出现心律失常,记录心律失常的潜伏期、持续时间及死亡率。结果青山健心片高、中剂量组均能延长心律失常的潜伏期,缩短心律失常的持续时间,降低死亡率,与心律平片组无明显差异(p>0.05),疗效优于低剂量组、空白对照组、心律宁片组(p<0.05),高剂量组与中剂量组之间无显著差异(p>0.05)。
Methods The experimental arrhythmia models were induced with barium chloride (BaCl2),uabaina and aconitine in rats and cobayaes.The incidence rate and mortality rate of arrhythmia,the emergence time and the duration of arrhythmia induced with BaCl2 were recorded in rats pretreated with CASI (in dosages of 25,50, and 100 mg·kg-1 sublingual vein injection).At the same time,the dosages of uabaina and aconitine were observed when the ventricular premature contraction,ventricular tachycardia,ventricular fibrillation and cardiac asystole were appeard in rats and cobayaes pretreated with CASI (in dosages of 25,50, and 100 mg·kg-1 sublingual vein injection).
制备氯化钡(BaCl2)、哇巴因及乌头碱诱导的大鼠及豚鼠实验性心律失常模型,CASI按25、50、100 mg·kg-1分为3个剂量组,舌下静脉给药1次,不给CASI作为对照组,记录大鼠给BaCl2后心律失常的发生率、出现时间、持续时间及动物的死亡率;观察豚鼠及大鼠出现室性早搏、室性心动过速、心室颤动及心脏停搏时哇巴因及乌头碱的用量。
The results were analyzed with the statistical software package spss10.0.results ①between two groups,there was no significant difference about the affection of age,sex and the destribution and location of aneurism on prognosis outcome(p<0.05).however,the grading of hunt hess and fisher in group a(gos>3) showed significantly lower than in group b(gos≤3),(p<0.001);② there was no significant difference in the frequency of heart rate, st elevation, st depression,t wave inversion,u wave inversion and ventricular arrhythmia(p>0.05).the frequency of abnormal q wave, supraventricular arrhythmia and the ecg scores in group a showed significantly lower than in group b (p<0.05,p<0.001);③the ecg scores was the most powerful multivariate risk stratified(ecg ≥5 vs ecg<5; p=0.002,or=0.010,95%ci 0.001~0.173).conclusion the ecg score, a new and simple method of semi quantification, was a powerful risk predictor for patients with sah.
应用spss10.0 统计包分析结果。结果①在年龄、性别、动脉瘤生长部位影响动脉瘤性sah预后方面,两组病例无明显差异(p>0.05)。而按sah后hunt hess分级和fisher分级,gos>3病例的分级要明显低于gos≤3的病例的分级(p<0.01);②两组在心率、st段抬高、st段压低、t波倒置、u波倒置、室性心律失常出现的频率无明显差异(p>0.05);在异常q波和室上性心律失常出现频率及心电图评分方面,gos>3的组别明显低于对照组(p<0.05,p<0.001);③心电图评分是sah患者预后最显著影响的变量(p=0.002,or=0.010,95%的可信区间0.001~0.173)。结论心电图评分作为一种新型、简便的半定量方法,能有效的预测蛛网膜下腔出血病人的预后。关键词:心电图;预后;评分;蛛网膜下腔出血
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当我还在实验室里的时候,他俩曾经在心律不齐(arrhythmia)的机制上有过一段密切的研究合作. 我在实验室里接过不少Steve打来找Frank交谈的电话,收到过Steve寄来的浸泡过福尔马林的牛心. Steve自杀前跟Frank交流过心中的苦闷与煎熬,
心律失常(Arrhythmia)是临床的常见病、多发病,主要是指心脏冲动的频率、节律、起源部位、传导速度与激动次序的异常. 在长期的临床及实验研究中人们发现了许多中药具有抗心律失常作用,但对其作用机制研究的不够深入. 随着膜片钳等现代技术的发展,
arrhythmia:心 律 不 整
前者实验犬对於全身麻醉之反应尚可,但研究人员仍应全程监视以防止心律不整(arrhythmia)及低血压(hypotension)发生. 后者实验犬其血中易患有血氧浓度过低(hypoxemia)及肺血管收缩(vasoconstriction)等现象,在麻醉导入期及恢复期应补充氧气供给.
fruity breath 呼吸有水果味 | arrhythmia 心律失常,心律不齐 | atelectasis 肺不张,肺膨胀不全
sinus arrhythmia:窦性心律不齐
窦性心律不齐(sinus arrhythmia)为窦性心律快慢显著不等. 可分以下三类:①呼吸性窦性心律不齐,心率吸气时快而呼气时慢,暂停呼吸时心律不齐消失,多见于儿童;②非呼吸性窦性心律不齐,心率快慢改变与呼吸无关,较常见于心脏病患者或与服用洋地黄类药物有关;
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