英语人>词典>英汉 : armor-clad的中文,翻译,解释,例句



装甲的, 武装的, 穿戴甲胄的

更多 网络例句 与armor-clad相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Self-fluxing Fe-Cr-Ni-B-Si alloy prowders are laser clad on medium carbon steel substrate of dimensions 80×35×10mm〓. The investigation results of this clad layer are: micro-defects, micro-cavity and occluded forin substance, are the micro-cracks and crack resourses in clad layer; crack of coating propagates along the boundary of two kinds of eutectic sutructure; The included angle θ between the cracking direction and laser scanning direction in multitrack overlapping clad is smaller than that in one-track clad because of crack propagating along crystalline growth direction and crystalline direction in overlapping zone being different from it in one-track clad.


A multiclad layer optical fiber prefabricated rod includes core rod and outer clad layer; the core rod consists of core layer, inner clad layer and low-hydroxyl high-purity clad layer in sequence, and the outer clad layer includes a high-purity outer clad layer and a subhigh-purity outer clad layer.


The first hall is JinGangDian, which enriches and worships the door gods in the tradition of four guardians history, which are 1 Oriental Snake Heavenly King: dressed in white, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with knife in left hand and sheath in right hand; 2 southern Sword Heavenly King: dressed in green, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sword in hand; 3 western Lute Heavenly King: dressed in red, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sheath in left hand and cable in right hand; 4 northern Umbrella Heavenly King: dressed in gold, wearing golden armor piercings, with tower in left hand and three-fork Qian in right hand and three-night fork ghosts under the feet.

进入本院入口山门即有一尊高大的观音立像,丛远处即可看到,观音像处于一个广场之中,广场的中央是一个放生池,本着人性本善的佛学思想,人们可以将鱼龟等生物在池中放生,即符合禅宗的思想,又达到动物保护的的目的,经过放生池才是寺院的正式入口,里面是按照传统寺院布置的三大殿,均为硬山式砖木结构,第一殿为金刚殿,里面供奉的四大金刚使传统中的门神,四大天王为: 1)东方持国天王:身白色,穿甲戴胄,左手把刀,右手执鞘;2)南方增长天王:身青色,穿甲戴胄,持宝剑: 3)西方广目天王:身红色,穿甲戴胄,左手执鞘,右手把赤索; 4)北方多闻天王:身金色,金甲胄,左手执宝塔,右手执三叉乾,脚踏三夜叉鬼,佛教的四大天王汉化便形成中国罗汉堂中的"四大金刚",成为"风调雨顺"的化身: 1)持国天王魔礼寿:穿紫金龙花狐貂,职顺。

更多网络解释 与armor-clad相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


armor 装甲 | armor-clad 武装的 | armorbearer 拿盔甲者


armor belt 装甲列板 | armor clad 装甲的 | armor piercing 穿甲的


电枢电压控制 armature voltage control | 装甲 armor clad | 铠甲线剪 armor cutter


armor rod 护线条 | armor-clad 铠装的 | armored 包铁皮的