arid ['ærid]
- arid的基本解释
干燥的, 不毛的
- The audience soon grew tired of his arid speech.
- 没多久听众对他枯燥无味的演说就感到厌腻了。
- The settlers irrigated the arid land.
- 移民们灌溉干燥的土地。
- Desert lands are arid.
- 沙漠地区是草木不生的。
- 相似词
- arid的同义词
- adj. unimaginative · waterless · stuffy · desiccated · dry · dull · flat
- 相关歌词
- Under My Umbrella
- Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
- Near Death Experience Experience
- Kyoto Now!
- The Spawn Of Love And War
- The Spawn Of Love And War - Elder Version
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- aria da capo
- arid area
- arid region
- 更多 网络例句 与arid相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
ARID (AT-rich interaction domain) protein is a transcription factor family in higher eukaryotes that regulates cell proliferation, development, and differentiation. Specificity of DNA binding ability in this family prefers AT-rich sequences, but some ARID family proteins are not sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins or they do not bind AT-rich sequences. We found two genes that encode ARID in Giardia lamblia genome database, garid1 and garid2. We analyzed the function of garid1 first. AU1-tagged gARID1 was found to localize to nuclei. During encystation, gARID1 mRNA level decreased emphatically, but protein level increased. We also found that gARID1 can bind AT-rich initiator of the cwp1 promoter by EMSA. Mutation analysis revealed gARID1 binding sequence was AGATC and AATAAAATA. We used ChIP to demonstrate that gARID1 can bind cwp1 gene promoter in vivo.
ARID(AT-rich interaction domain)蛋白质家族是真核生物的一种转因子,在许多同种的真核生物有它的同源基因,这个家族的蛋白质通常与调控细胞的生长、发育和分化的作用有关,而这个家族的蛋白质和DNA的结合能,各种ARID蛋白质的专一性尽相同,过大致上偏好於和AT-rich的序结合;我们已经在形鞭毛虫的基因组中找到个含有ARID 的基因,分别是garid1和garid2,我们首先对於garid1做分析;将AU1标记接到gARID1转染形鞭毛虫,用免疫萤光染色可发现gARID1存在於细胞核中。gARID1的讯息RNA在囊体化后会明显下,过其阳性染色和蛋白质表现有明显增加;EMSA实验中也发现gARID1会明显的与cwp1基因启动子之AT-rich initiator结合,经由突变序分析,也显示gARID1的结合序为AGATC和AATAAAATA,随后我们也用ChIP证明gARID1在细胞内也的确会和cwp1基因的启动子结合。
On the basis of pollen analysis of surface sample in North China, polynomial function analysis method was applied to establish pollen climate response surface of Pinus, Betula, Quercus, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Picea, Ephedra, Gramineae in North China, therefore an easy and applicable method for reconstructing palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment with data of fossil pollen was founded; Multi-analysis method was applied to analyse the principal elements of surface sample pollen in central Inner Mongolia Steppe, the assemblages of surface sample pollen in steppe area and its relationship with vegetation type were discussed with helps from spore-pollen analysis of a peat section in Chasuqi, Inner Mongolia and 〓C chronometer, fossil pollen data were obtained with high resolution on the peat section in Chasuqi. Vegetation succession and environmental changes since Holocene at resolution of 70 years were primarily reconstructed in south Mount Daqingshan and Plain Tumete. The changes in the area were copmared with those in the neighbouring areas during the same period. It was found that Holocene environmental change had undergone the following stages: cold-arid, temperate-wet, warm-wet, temperate-arid and cold-arid, and the climatical optimum period occurred in 5000-4100 aB.
Reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) and new wetness index were both calculated and analyzed according to Penman-Monteith scheme recommended by FAO with routine meteorological data from 616 weather stations in China from 1975 to 2004. In terms of grades of wetness index from Chinese Climate Classification Criterion, China is classified into severe arid, arid, semi-arid, semi-humid and humid zones, respectively, which are compared with the demarcations from rainfall-based indices in order to reveal the similarity and difference in association with the two schemes under current global climate warming. Besides, the spatio-temporal analysis of climate wetness over the country in the past thirty years was performed.
依据中国616个地面气象台站1975年至2004年的日气象资料,利用联合国粮农组织推荐的参考蒸散计算方法,计算参考作物蒸散(ET0)和湿润指数,按照中国气候区划中的干湿指标把中国分为极干旱、干旱、半干旱、半湿润和湿润气候区,并与传统的降水量干湿指标进行对比,揭示在全球气候变化下两种干湿指标的异同,最后对中国近30 a干湿状况进行时空分析。
- 更多网络解释 与arid相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
最后的(Utimate) 粘化层和低的盐基饱和度图单元氧化土Oxisols (法)Fr.Oxide 氧化物(Oxide) 氧化层, 无粘化层, 高度风化变性土Vertisols (拉)L.verto 转化(Invert) 高膨胀型粘粒, 干燥后裂缝深干旱土Aridisols (拉)L.aridus 干旱的(Arid)干旱土壤, 色淡表层,
盐结晶作用通常和[[乾旱]](arid)气候有关,因为强烈的加热引起强烈蒸发,从而产生盐结晶作用. 盐结晶作用亦在岸边活跃. 盐风化的例子亦可以在[[海堤]]上的蜂窝石(honeycombed stones)找到. 盐结晶作用通常和[[乾旱]](arid)气候有关,
此等气候在其研究中,予以较严格之定义,以年雨量为季分布及年温度之函数 (见草原气候Steppe climate下subhumid), 半乾燥(Semi-arid) 及乾燥(Arid)气候; 与此相反为「潮湿气候」(Moist climate) .
arhythmia 心律不齐 | arid 干燥的 | arid zones 干燥带
Arid lands:干旱土地
干旱地区生态系统 Arid land ecosystems | 干旱土地 Arid lands | 沙漠化 Desertification
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