application form
- application form的基本解释
[经] 空白申请书, 申请书格式, 申请表
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- Application (I'm Lookin 4 A New Love)
- New Application
- Permission To Party
- Satan's Disciples
- Boy For Every Girl
- Imagine Life
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- application for reconsideration
- 更多 网络例句 与application form相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Adopt ASP. NET 2003 is regarded as the developing instrument, the design of storehouse of the data follows 3 normal form :, have designed the coding schedule of goods and materials mainly, tombarthite product structure catalogue, basic information slip of the job centre, route form of the craft , project code of the expenses, journal ledger of the cost of goods, subsidiary ledger of the cost of goods, department's form, measurement unit form, the supplies inventory safeguards the counting type structure form, real expenses form, share the proportion form in power of kinetic energy, salary expenses share proportion form, amortization charge share proportion , maintain expenses share proportion , test expenses share proportion , main frame left menu tree form , material price list ,etc. data list
采用ASP 。NET 2003作为开发工具,数据库设计遵循第三范式,符合第二范式的条件,每个非关键字属性都仅由关键字决定,而且一个非关键字属性不能仅仅是对另一个非关键字属性的进一步描述(即一个非关键字属性值不依赖于另一个非关键字属性值)。,主要设计了物资编码表、稀土产品结构目录表、工作中心的基本情况表、工艺路线表、费用项目编码、产品成本总帐、产品成本明细帐、部门表、计量单位表、物料清单维护数型结构表、实际费用表、动能功率分摊比例表、工资费用分摊比例表、折旧费用分摊比例、维护费用分摊比例、化验费用分摊比例、主框架左菜单树表、材料价格表等数据表。
In this research, trying to clarify the inner relation of "theory and practice","situation and application" from the ontological context to comprehend the concept of application. Adopting historic context to understand "application" concept, elaborate the understanding of limited existence of human being, and prove the function of "application" concept is indeed revealed in the concept of effective-history. From the context of hermeneutics, particularly the concept of Aristotle's phronesis, to recover the original position of application concept. Lastly, from the concrete display of language of application concept to explore the revelation of truth in the dialectic of question and answer.
Through correlative analysis and path analysis, it finds that (1) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment have direct and indirect influence on self-identity development of students; and (2) the family environment and the colleges and universities environment exert the major effect on self-identity development of students through identity style as mediational variable, so identity style becomes the explanatory base of self-identity status. That is, the predictive effect of diffuse/avoidant identity style for identity diffusion, normative identity style for identity foreclosure, and information identity style for identity achievement respectively is most significant; and (3) family environment that is helpful, supportive, warm, expressive, and promote autonomy and independence possibly makes students form identity achievement or identity moratorium, family environment that is excessively cohesive and warm but lacking independence possibly promote students to form identity foreclosure, and family environment that lacks of supportive and warm possibly make students form identity diffusion; and (4) colleges and universities environments that have better relationship system, clear developmental purpose, and promote to pay attention to societal concerns, critical and explorative qualities, and provide healthy, expressive, democratic, open atmosphere facilitate identity development, in turn form advanced identity. Colleges and universities environments that only emphasize the receival of colleges and universities aims, order and instilments, and scarcely encourage critique, exploration, individuation possibly make students form identity foreclosure. However, the ones that is remote relationship system, and lacking support, and students don't cognize the aim of colleges and universities possibly make students form identity diffusion.
- 更多网络解释 与application form相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Application Form:申请表格
绘画主题, 画的大小, 申请表格(application form)提交方式, 交稿(submit)方式最近的垃圾回收站(collecting station), 哪里查询相关信息, 什么物品可回收(recycle), 宣传册(pamphlet)学生可以在何地读期刊(journal), 学生项目经费来源,
Application Form:申请表
四、本项目推荐选拔工作采取差额遴选的方法,以体现选拔工作的公正性和竞争性. 国家留学基金委将先进行材料初审. 通过初审的材料将通过新西兰驻华使馆转交新西兰教育促进会(Education New Zealand)进行进一步评审. 3、>(Application Form)及相关附加材料(附件三).
Application Form:申请书
开证申请书(Application Form)是买方作为开证申请人委托开证银行开立以卖方为受益人的信用证的法律文件,开证申请人与开证行之间的关系是以开证申请书的形式建立起来的一种合同关系,双方的权力义务关系是根据该申请书确定的.
Application Form:表
3.>(Application Form)及申请人须知 (Terms and Conditions), 下载网址:本项目推荐选拔工作采取差额遴选的方法,以体现选拔工作的公正性和竞争性.
an application form:申请单
bookkeeper 簿记员 | an application form 申请单 | bank statement 对帐单
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