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The probabilities favour the hypothesis that the Baruch apocryphon is an imitation of that of Esdras and therefore later.
The apocryphon exists in Greek, Ethiopic, and Slavonic manuscripts.
Claims to have received an apocryphon on Jeremiah from a Jewish Nazarite, and to have found in a Hebrew book Epistola xxxvi.
声称他们已经接到apocryphon对耶利米从一个犹太人把拿细耳人,并已发现了一个希伯来书( epistola三十六。
No Apostolic apocryphon has reached us in a completeness equal to that of the Thomas Acts.
The use of the singular,"Apocryphon", is both legitimate and convenient, when referring to a single work.
利用奇异,& Apocryphon &,是既合法又方便,当提到一个单一的工作。
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Genesis Apocryphon:创世记外传
Genesis 创世记 65 | Genesis Apocryphon 创世记外传 66 | Get tenth of all 得到十分之一 102
該Apocryphon詹姆斯:The Apocryphon of James
The Apocalypse of Peter启示黄匡源 | The Apocryphon of James该apocryphon詹姆斯 | The Apocryphon of John该apocryphon约翰
該Apocryphon詹姆斯:The Apocryphon of James
The Apocalypse of Peter在彼得的啟示 | The Apocryphon of James該Apocryphon詹姆斯 | The Apocryphon of John該Apocryphon約翰
The Apocryphon of James:該Apocryphon詹姆斯
The Apocalypse of Peter启示黄匡源 | The Apocryphon of James该apocryphon詹姆斯 | The Apocryphon of John该apocryphon约翰
The Apocryphon of James:<雅各秘传之书>
The Apocalypse of Peter <<彼得启示录>> | The Apocryphon of James <<雅各秘传之书>> | The Apocryphon of John <<约翰秘传之书>>
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