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aperture ratio的中文,翻译,解释,例句

aperture ratio

aperture ratio的基本解释

[机] 口径比

更多网络例句与aperture ratio相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is always a challenge of not able to get a good aperture ratio as the resolution density increases.


It is the ratio of the aperture diameter to the focal length of the lens.


The study of best receiver aperture ratio in dynamic light scattering system [J].


Use Wide Aperture to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution for better penetration in deeper structures.


Analysis for signal-to-noise ratio of large aperture static imaging spectroscopy[J].


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更多网络解释与aperture ratio相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aperture ratio:孔径比

▼ 孔径比(aperture ratio)孔径比可指示镜头的亮度,亦即我们在规格上所见的F值(F-stop number). 此比率是镜头的光圈直径(D)与镜头焦距(f)之比;数值愈小,光圈愈大,透过的光线愈多. F=f/D

aperture ratio:开口率

据新闻稿,采用'UV2A技术'的液晶面板具有以下特点:(1)可完美呈现'深黑'色彩的5,000:1高对比(为现行产品的1.6倍);(2)可实现绝佳省能源效能的高光能利用效率(开口率(aperture ratio)较现行产品高出20%以上);

aperture ratio:口径比

aperture 口径 | aperture ratio 口径比 | aplanat 齐酶镜

aperture ratio:开孔率

aperture photographic method 针孔摄影法 | aperture ratio 开孔率 | aperture seal 穿孔密封

lens aperture ratio:透镜孔径比[值]

透镜 lens | 透镜孔径比[值] lens aperture ratio | 透镜轴 lens axis

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