anther ['ænθə]
- anther的基本解释
花药, 花粉囊, [植]药
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- 相关歌词
- Love Of My Life Worldwide
- Best Days
- Rooftop
- Just Before The Morning
- Took It All Away
- The Ride Of Your Life
- anther所属的单词分类
Plant / 植物
vascular plant · terminal bud · simple leaf · sea weed · sage brush · petrified wood · opposite leaves · lateral bud · lanceolate leaf · incomplete flower
- 更多 网络例句 与anther相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
More calcium precipitates were located in the epidermis, endothecium and tapetum of the sterile anther than in those of the fertile anther. Longitudinal inner cell wall of the sterile anther became thicker than that of the fertile anther at the dyad stage and uninucleate pollen stage.
The present work was de-signed to study systematically the changes of anther and pollen during themannitol pretreatment period on physiology and biochemistry;and then the ef-fects of mannnitol pretreatment on androgenesis and anther culture were stu-died.The donor plants used in this experiment grow in the field.
It is concluded that there are three reasons resulted in male-sterility by floral organs abormality as follows :(1) The stomium enlongates faster;(2) Anther filaments do not elongate sufficiently to position the locules above the stigma at anthesis;(3) The anther locules do not dehisce at the time of flower opening (although limited dehiscence occurs later).
- 更多网络解释 与anther相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
為植物之雄性生殖器官,包括花丝(Filaments)及花药(anther)两部份,花药包含花粉粒,它们能被释放到空气中然后和其它花朵的柱头授粉. 花药位于花丝顶端,花丝迅速伸出,将花药推出花朵,使它们很好地悬垂下来与柱头分开,并在风中开裂.
每个雄蕊由花丝(filament)和花药(anther)两部分组成. 花药是花丝顶端膨大成囊状的部分,一般由4个花粉囊(pollen sac)组成,花粉囊内产生大量花粉粒. 花丝常细长,基部着生在花托或贴生在花冠上. 花丝支持花药,使之伸展于一定的空间,
这种能够自授粉的兰花名为Holcoglossum amesianum,为雌雄同体,在授粉期间可以将自己的花粉囊(anther)抗重力旋转360°,将花粉插入自己的柱头腔(stigma cavity) 中,因而不需要任何授粉媒介的帮助.
annual 一年生植物,一季生植物 | anther 花粉囊,花药 | anthocyanin [植]炭疽病
anther culture:花药培养
花藥培養(anther culture)是一種較新的方法,成熟的花藥放在含有維他命與生長調節劑的介質中培養. 在花粉粒中的單倍體管細胞進行分裂,產生含有20至40個細胞的原胚體(proembryos,又稱前胚或潛胚). 最終花粉粒漲破,釋放出單倍體的胚,試驗室中可以產生單倍體植物或透過化學藥劑的添加可誘...
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