ant [ænt]
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Animal / 动物
woolly rhinoceros · woolly mammoth · woolly bear caterpillar · wild cat · western meadowlark · Umbrellabird · Treefrog · thresher shark · Swallowtail Butterfly · spiny lizard
Bug & Insect / 虫与昆虫
yellowjacket · woolly bear caterpillar · Swallowtail Butterfly · stink bug · longhorn beetle · leafhopper · leafcutter ant · house fly · ambush bug · Junebug
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Ant routing use Swarm-Intelligence for route discovery and also have multi-paths for backup and balance. However, the efficiency of ant routing can more and more go down in large-scale mobile ad hoc networks. For solving such condition, improving the efficiency of ant routing, this research proposes the algorithm that combines both the GRID and ant routing, called grid-based ant routing algorithm. GARA can improve efficiency of ant routing in large-scale mobile ad hoc networks.
Ant colony algorithm is a simulation of ant foraging behavior of heuristic process This paper introduces the concept of ant colony algorithm and its development trends, analysis of the basic principles of ant colony algorithm to establish a general mathematical model of ant colony algorithm, presented its typical application.
However, soldier ant is a jumbo in the eyes of working ant. The working ant runs away quickly when seeing soldier ant. How dare it despise soldier ant?
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费杜奇与他的儿子哈维尔.费杜奇.本伊乌尔(Javier Feduchi Benlliure)共同构思创作了"抛物线"(Parábola),这是西班牙设计史上的第一把 "拼装椅",也就是在同年,丹麦人阿尔内.哈克贝森(Arne Jacobsen)的 "蚂蚁"(Ant)问世了.
这时候,问题也来了:通联卡片上有"天线"(ANT)一栏,不知道怎么填写. 其实关于这个问题我已经和很多朋友在频率上交流过,在这里再说明一下:玻璃钢基地天线、车载鞭状天线、手持移动通讯设备的鞭状天线这些最常见的天线都属于 GP天线,
您是不是马上记住这2个词"蚂蚁"(ant) 和"巨大的"( gigantic)美国麻省理工学院气象学家洛伦兹(Lorenz)认定他发现了新的现象:"对初始值的极端不稳定性".
ant:abbr. average number of turns; 对话平均交互回合数
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