annular ['ænjulə]
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In different conditions on fluidized state and stability of conical fluidized bed. The conlusions are: the conical angel of the conical fluidized bed is 20°, the fluidized state havesmall difference in conical distributor and distributor plate. The angle of conical bed increase,the fluidized state will have big difference. The angle is 60°and the conical as distributor, themass of fluidized is less, the most of material is the bottom of conical bed. The effect ofdistributor plate is much better than the conical distributor. Sawdust and rice hull can fluidize.The annular gap of conical distributor different, the angle of conical bed is same, the fluidizedquality of 10mm annular gap is better than the other conical distributors. The annular gap ismore wide, the conical bed have more slugging phenomenon and the pressure fluctuate is turnbig.In the experiment the flow of 2%and 4%distributor plates don\'t easy to control, becausethe pressure is very big and the pressure fluctuate of conical bed is too big.
It is worth to be noted that the needed driving current to the MR valve with both annular and radial damping gaps is less than that to the MR valve with annular damping gaps under the cut-off state of the MR valves, which show that the MR valve with both annular and radial damping gaps consumes less energy.
We also show that not all WSC designs can form annular jets, only annularly initiated WSC, which also fulfils the "Internal-External Liners Equal-Impulse" criterion, has the capability to form annular jet.
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变根据所选的形状而定.表 6-7 列出了每个形状可用 的选项.表 6-7 修改焊盘形状大小的选项 焊盘形状 圆形(Round) 方形(Square) 环形(Annular) 椭圆形或矩形(Oval or Rectangular) 异形(Odd) 可用的选项 直径(如果孔是开槽的) ,
许多尖端光学微影系统,包含先进i-line步进机,都具有独立控制NA、sigma值以及选择环状(annular)或四偶极(quadrupole)照明的光学设计. Hunter表示:使用者皆熟悉此系统的能力,在他们扩充制程能力的同时,亦未造成曝光能量的明显损失,
annular wheel 内齿轮 | annular 环形的 | annulation 环;环形物;环的形成
annular ring:孔环
当板面上各圆垫(Pads)经钻孔后,围绕在孔外之"孔环"(Annular Ring),其最窄处的宽度将做为检测的对象,而规范上对该处允收的下限值,谓之"孔环下限". 这是PCB 品质与技术的一种客观标准. 由于圆垫的制作在先(即阻剂与蚀刻),而钻孔加工之呈现孔环在后,
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