英语人>词典>英汉 : aniline blue的中文,翻译,解释,例句
aniline blue的中文,翻译,解释,例句

aniline blue

aniline blue的基本解释

[医] 苯胺蓝, 阿尼林蓝

更多网络例句与aniline blue相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The polysaccharide and glucan contents were analyzed by phenol-sulfuric acid method and aniline blue dye fluorescence assay, respectively.


Callose stains are aniline blue, resorcin blue and rosolic acid.


The expression of AtPP2like gene(lec17 and lec26)in Cucumis melo determined by RT-PCR and the callose deposition in phloem measured by aniline blue staining were both induced by HrpNEa.


The expression of AtPP2like gene (lec17 and lec26) in Cucumis melo determined by RT-PCR and the callose deposition in phloem measured by aniline blue staining were both induced by HrpN.


The tissue structure, elastic fiber, collagenic fiber and smooth muscle were stained by HE, Weigert, Aniline blue and Orange G respectively.


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更多网络解释与aniline blue相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aniline blue:苯胺蓝

5.苯胺蓝(Aniline blue) 是一种混合酸性染料,平常所用很难有一定的标准. 此染料一般很难溶于水,也不易溶于酒精(1.5%). 植物制片中可与番红合用,作为组织染色;也可作藻类植物染色. 因为这种染料的成分很不一致,染色效果不易掌握.

aniline blue:苯胺蓝染料

苯胺黑染料 aniline black | 苯胺藍染料 aniline blue | 苯胺棕染料 aniline brown

aniline blue:苯胺蓝;阿尼林蓝

Aniline 苯胺;阿尼林 | Aniline blue苯胺蓝;阿尼林蓝 | Aurantia曙黄;金橙黄

aniline blue:苯胺蓝 水溶对氮蒽蓝

aniline black || 苯胺黑 | aniline blue || 苯胺蓝 水溶对氮蒽蓝 | aniline chloride || 氯化苯胺

toluidine blue, aniline blue:苯胺蓝

耵聍腺ceruminous glands | 苯胺蓝toluidine blue, aniline blue | 苯胺染料aniline dyes