angiosperm ['ændʒiəspə:m]
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Plant / 植物
vascular plant · terminal bud · simple leaf · sea weed · sage brush · petrified wood · opposite leaves · lateral bud · lanceolate leaf · incomplete flower
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Say according to this, the much carpel in contemporary angiosperm kind, especially plant of lily magnolia eye is thought angiosperm is more primitive kind group.
The artificial flower doctrine that with German botanist Engele is a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm and gymnospermous ball flower agree completely, every stamen and carpel, be equivalent to a male flower that degrades extremely and female flower respectively, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is to come from child plant hemp is yellow kind yellow Ephedra Campylopoda of curved handle hemp, following plan institute are shown, in this tentative idea, the bud of male flower piece turn into perianth, the bud of female flower piece turn into carpel, the small bud of every male flower piece after disappearing, remain a stamen only, female flower small bud piece ovule is remained only after disappearing, ministry of foundations of move unripe Yu Zi.
以德国植物学家恩格勒为代表的假花学说认为被子植物的花和裸子植物的球花完全一致,每个雄蕊和心皮,分别相当于1个极端退化的雄花和雌花,因而设想被子植物是来自棵子植物麻黄类的弯柄麻黄Ephedra campylopoda,如下图所示,在这个设想里,雄花的苞片变为花被,雌花的苞片变为心皮,每个雄花的小苞片消失后,只剩下一个雄蕊,雌花小苞片消失后只剩下胚珠,着生于子房基部。
With American botanist cypress apply reach Halier, the really beautiful doctrine that British botanist breaths out Qin Song to be a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm is come by evolution of ball of leaf of primitive gymnospermous bisexual spore, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is the Benneisu that in coming from gymnosperm, eradicates already iron eye, draft Su Tie especially , the bud on ball of its spore leaf piece evolve for perianth, sporule leaf evolves for stamen, big spore leaf evolves for pistil , axis of ball of its spore leaf shortens for rachis.
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被子植物 (Angiosperm) 被子植物或显花植物是演化阶段最後出现的植物种类. 牠们首先出现在白垩记早期,在白垩纪晚期占据了世界上植物界的大部分. 被子植物的种子藏在富含营养的果实中,提供了生命发展很好的环境. 受精作用可由风当传媒,
angiosperm:被子植物 被子植物
被子植物被子植物(Angiosperm)是植物界最高级的一类,自新生代以来,它们在地球上占着绝对优势. 现知被子植物共1万多属,约20多万种,占植物界的一半,中国有2700多属,约3万种. 被子植物能有
Angiosperm Extract:被子植物酸 具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果
Angelica 白芷 当归属,含天然维他命C及预防敏感作用 | Angiosperm Extract 被子植物酸 具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果 | Anthranilates 化学性防晒成分
Angiosperm Extract:被子植物酸 具有防止发炎及抗过敏成果
Angelica 白芷 当归属,含天然维他命C及预防敏感作用 | Angiosperm Extract 被子植物酸 具有防止发炎及抗过敏成果 | Birch Tree Extract 桦树萃取 消毒、收敛,增加皮肤愈合力
Angiosperm Extract:被子酸 具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果
Angelica 白芷 当归属,含天然维他命 C 及预防敏感作用 | Angiosperm Extract 被子酸 具有防止发炎及抗过敏效果 | Anthranilates 性防晒成分
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