英语人>词典>英汉 : anastigmat的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

anastigmat [ə'næstigmæt]


消像散透镜, 无象散透镜

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Three-mirror anastigmat can not meet the requirement of reducing weight and compacting size in some circumstances.


A unobstructed four-mirror anastigmat system was proposed, which was modified based on three-mirror anastigmat and had compacter structure.


In order to complete a design of a frame of Off-axis Three-mirrors Anastigmat telescope in a short time, this paper gives the design cycle based on FEM, whose main method is topological optimization. This application is completed by HyperMesh/OptiStruct/Rodioss which are offered by Altair Engineering, Inc.


The design of four-mirror anastigmat was analyzed, then a system with effective focal length of 1 200 mm and field of view of 0.8°×0.8° was designed , total length and f-number are 300 mm and F/6,respectively.The system has advantages of long focal length, relative short physical size and excellent ability in restraining stray lights.

分析了离轴四反的设计步骤,设计了一个焦距为1 200 mm,视场为0.8°×0.8°,相对孔径为F/6的光学系统,系统总长只有300 mm,并达到很好的光学性能,具有长焦距、小尺寸、良好的杂散光抑制能力等特点。

Intermediate image of three-mirror anastigmat having two image surfaces was between secondary and tertiary mirror. In order to fold the optical path, four-mirror anastigmat was designed by adding the spherical reflective mirror at intermediate image.


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anamorphotically squeezed image (长宽比)变形压缩图像 | Anastigmat 消像散透镜 | anastigmatic 去像散的


anastatic water 边缘水 | anastigmat 去象散透镜 | anastigmatic lens 去象散透镜;正光镜头


anastatic 凸版的 | anastigmat 无像散透镜 | anastigmatic 无收差的


anastigmat lens 无收差镜头 | anastigmat 消像透镜 | anatase 锐钛矿

anastigmat lens:无收差镜头

Anaphe silk 阿纳菲野蚕丝 | anastigmat lens 无收差镜头 | anastigmat 消像透镜

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