英语人>词典>英汉 : analysable的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

analysable ['ænəlaizəbl]



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Another important function of the context in relation to morphological analysis is that it enables the reader to distinguish between those words that are truly morphologically analysable and those that are not, despite their appearance.


There is no reason to presume that the concepts that we explore by means of this method will turn out to be analysable in terms of necessary and/or sufficient conditions.


In some phased-mission system the life of working units and their repairing time follow general distribution. It is difficult to calculate the optimization quantity of spare parts with analysable method.


In some phased-mission system the life of working units and their repairing time follow general distribution. It is difficult to calculate the optimization quantity of spare parts with analysable method.

摘 要:在多阶段任务系统中,可修部件的寿命服从一般分布、维修时间也服从一般分布的备件携行量优化问题很难利用解析方法来解决。

Another important function of the context in relation to morphological analysis is that it enables the reader to distinguish between those words that are truly morphologically analysable and those that are not, despite their appearance.


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更多网络解释与analysable相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


analphabetic 文盲 | analysable 可被分解的 | analysand 精神分析对象


analphabeticunlettered 文盲的 | analysable 可分析 | analysand 接受精神分析的人

analysable:可被分解的, 可以分析的

analphabetic | 文盲的, 非字母式的 文盲 | analysable | 可被分解的, 可以分析的 | analysand | 接受精神分析的人

analysable assembly:可分拆装配图

analogue signal 模拟信号 | analysable assembly 可分拆装配图 | analysis 分析(法,学)研究