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analog data的中文,翻译,解释,例句

analog data

analog data的基本解释

[计] 模拟数据

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In some information processing architectures, the role of various analog and digital data comparisons is very important.


In this paper,according to collapse model we tested the effectiveness of genetic algorithm with analog data.


True to the analog spirit, not all data converters use the same digital format.


Analog data acquisition and transformation Analog inputs and outputs such as pressure and temperature need to be measured on-line.


For this reason, the analog circuits of the data driver are the focus in my works.


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analog data:模拟数据

模拟数据(Analog Data)是由传感器采集得到的连续变化的值,例如温度、压力,以及目前在电话、无线电和电视广播中的声音和图像. 数字数据(Digital Data)则是模拟数据经量化后得到的离散的值,例如在计算机中用二进制代码表示的字符、图形、音频与视频数据.

analog data:数据

安装广告软件之后,往往造成系统运行缓慢或系根据信号方式的不同,通信可分为模拟通信和数字通信. 模拟数据(Analog Data)是由传感器采集得到的连续变化的值,例如温度、压力,以及目前在电话、无线电和电视

analog data:类比资料

"类比计算机","analog computer" | "类比资料","analog data" | "类比模式","analog model"

analog data:模拟量

模拟量:Analog | 模拟量:Analog data | 积分器:Analog integrator

analog data recorder:模拟数据记录器

analog correlator 模拟相关器 | analog data recorder 模拟数据记录器 | analog device 模拟装置

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