英语人>词典>英汉 : amphibolite的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

amphibolite [æm'fibəlait]



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The Paleoproterozoic Beidahe Group-complex remains as continental shivers in the interior of the North Qilian orogen. In its early stage of development, there occurred abundant amphibolite. The protolith of the amphibolite is basalts. The Alk-∑FeO-MgO plot, REE features and Rittmann index show that the protolith belongs to the calc-alkaline suite and exceptionally shows the subalkaline character. The rock is characterized by higher Al2O3 and ∑FeO and lower Mg#, indicating that it has a higher degree of compositional evolution and that the formation of volcanic rocks is related to activation of older crust. Highly fractionated REE patterns and amphibolite on the Ti-Zr-Y plot, Ni-FeO/MgO plot and Ta/Yb-Th/Yb plot all indicate the characteristics of volcanic arcs and active continental margins. On the geochemical diagram of basalt, the overall REE features are in the main analogous to those of calc-alkaline island-arc basalt, with Sr87/Sr86=0.71617–0.72033,Nd143/Nd144=0.512414–0.512495 and εNd=–2.79 to –4.37,εSr=245.78–305.3, showing that the magma was derived from the crust or subjected to contamination with the lower crust below the continent.

提要:以大陆碎块形式残存于北祁连造山带内部的古元古代北大河岩群早期发育有大量的斜长角闪岩,其原岩为玄武岩,Alk—∑FeO—MgO图解,REE特征,里特曼组合指数等均显示斜长角闪岩属钙碱性系列范围,个别显示弱碱性,斜长角闪岩具有较高的Al2O3,∑FeO和低的Mg#,这些特点反映其成分演化程度较高,表明火山岩的形成与古老地壳的活化有关,有较强分异的稀土元素分配模式,在Ti—Zr—Y图,Ni—FeO/MgO图解和Ta/Yb—Th/Yb图解上斜长角闪岩均显示火山弧或活动大陆边缘的特点,在玄武岩的地球化学形式图,稀土元素整体特征与钙碱性岛弧玄武岩基本相同;87Sr/86Sr=0.716 17~0.720 33, 143Nd/144Nd=0.512 414~0.512 495,εNd=-2.79~-4.37。

The coesite-diamond-bearing eclogite distributed in the northern part of the UHPM belt suffered three stages of metamorphism. The first stage is the Ep amphibolite facies metamorphism, which is represented by the paragenesis of phe+Qtz+Cro/Bar Bar+Ep+Ab occurred as inclusions in Grt and Omp; The second stage is the peak metamorphism of eclogite facies with mineral assembledge of Grt+Omp+Coe±Dia±Ky±Zo±Phe+Rt. The P -T condition is 800±50℃,≥28Kb; The third stage is the amphibolite facies retrograded metamorphism from the peak one, which can be divided intothe early amphibolite facies stage with the mineral assembledge of Amp+ Pl+Di+Qtz±Ep+Ilm/Ttn and the late greenschist facies one with the mineral assembledge of Ep+Chl+Bi+Tr+Ab.


The P-wave velocity-depth profile and electrical conductivity-depth profile can be calculated from the experimental data and the fundamental geothermal parameters in northern margin of the North China craton. The comparison of the calculated results with the elastic and electrical structure of this area reveals that the v of amphibolite is approximately equal to the middle crust, the electrical conductivity of amphibolite intersects the range of the middle and lower crust in this area.


更多网络解释 与amphibolite相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


释文:又称普通角闪石岩(hornblende rock). 超镁铁质深成岩的一种. 主要矿物成分为普通角闪石(含量>90%),有时含少量辉石和橄榄石,还可能见到铬铁矿和钛磁铁矿. 与之有关的矿产主要是含钒的钛磁铁矿. 此词与变质作用形成的角闪岩(amphibolite)不同,不可混淆


斜长角闪岩(amphibolite) 斜长角闪岩 主要由角闪石和斜长石组成的中,高级区域变质岩.又称角闪岩.角闪石和斜长石的含 量相近.可含少量石英,铁铝榴石,黑云母,单斜辉石和斜方辉石.常为中,细粒纤状变晶 结构,可具有块状,

amphibolite:闪岩 角闪岩

amphibolide闪石岩 | amphibolite闪岩 角闪岩 | amphibolitefacies角闪岩相 闪岩相


"amphibole","角闪石" | "amphibolite","角闪片岩" | "amygdaloidal","杏仁状"

amphibolite facies:角闪岩相

amphibole 角闪石 | amphibolite facies 角闪岩相 | amphibolite 角闪岩

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