amphibole ['æmfibəul]
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It has been shown in the Al(Na+K+Ca/2) diagram that the Jinla granitoids are all plotted within the area of "S" type of granites, but the samples from Laochang amphibole admellite, Menglinshan biotite admellite and Nanla K-feldspar graniteporphyry are scattered gradually far away from the boundary between "I" and "S" types of granites, implying that the components from the upper mantle gradually decreasing from the Laochang amphibole admellite to the Menglinshan biotite admellite and then to the Nanla K-feldspar granite porphyry.
We suggest that the CPO of amphibole in retrograded eclogites is probably formed by rigid body rotation and dissolution-precipitation creep of elongate amphibole grains in a less viscous matrix of symplectite.
结合光学显微特征观察,本文认为退变质榴辉岩中的角闪石 CPO 主要受其显著的长柱状和针状结晶习性控制,其形成机制为差异应力条件下的溶解-沉淀定向生长,可能伴随有早期的角闪石微晶的刚性旋转变形。
Asbestos is a natural mineral consisting of salts of hydrous silicates fibrous shape. It can be classified into two groups:(1) serpentine that includes chrysotile, etc.;(2) amphibole that includes amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, actinolite and tremolite, etc.
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它是由硬玉(Jadeite)为主要矿物成分的辉石(Pyroxene)族矿物和角闪石(Amphibole)族矿物组成的矿物集合体, 是一种硬玉岩或绿辉石岩. 翡翠是商业名称, 具有历史性和专属性, 从岩石学角度来定义翡翠应为:具有工艺价值和商业价值, 达到宝石级的硬玉岩或绿辉石岩
是一种属于闪石类(Amphibole)的玉,包括透闪石(Tremolite)和阳起石(Actinolite). Pyroxene Jade辉(硬)玉. 泛指辉石类(Pyroxenes)的玉,包括钠辉石(Jadeite)、透辉石、霓石、绿辉石、钠铬辉石(Kosmocholor)等.
amorphous非晶質 | amphibole角閃石族礦物 | ampullar pearl囊珍珠
amphibole asbestos:闪石石棉
amphibious truck 水陆两用载重汽车 | amphibole asbestos 闪石石棉 | amphodelite 钙长石
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