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alluvial fan的中文,翻译,解释,例句

alluvial fan

alluvial fan的基本解释


alluvial fan所属的单词分类
Landform / 地形 [185]

sea cave · oxbow lake · oceanic trench · natural arch · mid-ocean ridge · lava tube · lava dome · glacier cave · crater lake · barrier island

更多网络例句与alluvial fan相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These channels are most common near the apex of the alluvial fan body.


The Jurassic in study region can be divided into alluvial fan, river, lake and delta sedimentary systems.


The debris flow movement on the alluvial fan is simulated with the technology of numerical simulation and GIS.


In the subaquatic alluvial fan environment,the study of well-logging data was an important part.


At first light, I started my trek up an alluvial fan into an unnamed canyon in the Cottonwood Mountains.

天刚亮,我就从一片冲积扇(储藏在峡谷山口的扇形沉积物)区开始了旅程,进入了 Cottonwood 山脉中的一个无名峡谷。

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更多网络解释与alluvial fan相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alluvial fan:冲积扇

他表示,四川的山谷形状呈倒三角形,这些冲积扇(alluvial fan)把上游跌下来的石块累积起来,下游因而遭严重堵塞. 据资料显示,地震发生80秒后,四川位处的板块以每秒3公里移动,河流下游累积起来的碎石墙高达160米.

alluvial fan:冲积扇 沖積扇

allotrophic lake 异养湖 異營養型湖泊 Y | alluvial fan 冲积扇 沖積扇 Y | alluvial plain 冲积平原 沖積平原 Y

alluvial fan:扇状冲积沙

allspice 众香子 | alluvial fan 扇状冲积沙 | alluvion 波浪冲击;海岸冲积地

alluvial fan:扇形地 扇状地

■ alluvial deposit 冲积层 沖積層 | ■ alluvial fan 扇形地 扇状地 | ■ alluvial fan at the foot of a volcano 火山麓扇状地 火山麓扇状地

alluvial fan deposit:冲积扇层

alluvial fan 冲积扇 | alluvial fan deposit 冲积扇层 | alluvial ore deposit 冲积矿床

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