英语人>词典>英汉 : all ... such as的中文,翻译,解释,例句
all ... such as的中文,翻译,解释,例句

all ... such as

all ... such as的基本解释


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For example, in some regional varieties the distinction between the singular and plural meanings of you has been retained by the use of such expressions as you-all or you guys for the plural meanings (cf 6.12 Notes ). The introduction of specific new words or expressions (such as prioritize or interface) sometimes provokes violent indignation, often conveyed in ethical terms.

例如,在某些地区性变体中, you 的单复数意义的区别,是采用 you-all 或 you guys 这种复数表达形式(参见6.12)而得到保留的,引进特殊的新词新语(prioritize 或 interface)有时激起人们极大的愤慨,斥之为有伤大雅。

Not only ALL clinical features, such as lymphadenectasis, splenomegaly, chest bone tenderness, higher proportion of immature lymphoblasts of bone marrow cells, but also typical clinical manifestations of HES, such as erythematous skin rash, thrombosis, endomyocardial fibrosis, were all observed.


Especially leader of a few industries describes: On one hand oneself are anxiety-ridden, everyday busy move looks for a bank to run loan, look for big client to make a sale personally, find governmental mediate between two parties to pledge from Wu of custom, duty, land the joint of each respect such as check, quota, environmental protection, all such as resource of company strategy, sale strategy, product strategy, financial security, technical reformation, manpower should is based on " hibernate " and think afresh, opening the cost on source and reduce expenditure to use up idea, seem to return sunset night ground should be done not have when doing poineering work at first hardworking; On the other hand, must continue to maintain successful personage have a well-thought-out plan, weight lifting to be like light demeanour again however, face subordinate, always get the difficult mention lightly that may encounter the company with future now, place all a pair of manner that all mastering.


更多网络解释与all ... such as相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter:像是柏拉图,安德米特斯,伊蕾克特拉,秋美特

Some for the gentlemen, some for the dames 一些为了绅士... | Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter 像是柏拉图,安德米特斯,伊蕾克特拉,秋美特 | But all of them sensible everyday names 但是所有这些都是适...

All such things as these:如是种种事

To praise and laud the Thus Come Ones: 歌咏诸如来 | All such things as these 如是种种事 | As never have been seen before. 昔所未曾有

Simple folk such as myself can not be compared with you:象我这样的匹夫确实无法与你相比

7 I have no wish to be an official. 我... | 8 Simple folk such as myself can not be compared with you. 象我这样的匹夫确实无法与你相比. | 9 "What is that all about?" he asked, feigning ignorance. "那是怎...