英语人>词典>英汉 : algorithm的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

algorithm ['ælgəriðm]


算法, 运算法则

Computer / 计算机 [234]

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更多 网络例句 与algorithm相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One is tradition algorithm,which consists branch and bound method,improving loop method,cupidity algorithm,MST algorithm,MM algorithm,insertion method.Another is modern optimization algorithm which consists simulated annealing algorithm,artificial immune algorithm,genetic algorithm,ant colony algorithm,particle swarm optimization,Tabu Search,Hopfield neural network.The third is algorithm of DNA computing which is designed by authors.


Finally, it analyses the time complexity of the algorithm and researches how it is influenced by culture operator.3、The paper presents the evaluation standard of the GA's application capability. Basing on characters such as continuity, multi-peak, vibration, randomicity as well as large-scale, five functions are selected to test search ability and robustcity of co-evolution algorithm. Finally, it analyses the simulation result and researches the influence of algorithm brought by culture operators.4、Basing on the concept of collection overcast, it researches the task distribution issue and constitutes delaminated math model on task distribution issue. It puts out the co-evolution algorithm of subtask's decomposing. The experiment compare IGA、SGA to CN and validates the efficiency of co-evolution algorithm on the NP completeness issue.5、Being aim at the optimization issue of load of antenna near ground, it combines many GA strategies and puts forward strategic meme. And it puts out co-evolution algorithm of load of antenna design. And it emulates the optimization design of load of antenna near ground. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the continuum search issues of multi-variable and multi-peak value.6、Being aiming at the knowledge of image model matching, it adopts single meme and real code. It puts out fast co-evolution matching algorithm strategy. Basing on NPROD resemble measurement, I emulate the indiscrimination model matching and discrimination model matching. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the real code and real time search issue.


On this basis, according to historical data, apply ANN and differential simulation method to get the quantitatively correlative relations between each production and its own influence factors, and introduce the new methods of prediction for dynamic indexes with gas-field development (The combinatorial prediction method based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the method of ANN to select optimally combinatorial prediction models and the ANN prediction method based on genetic algorithm).(2) Base on mathematical programming, combine with quantitative economics and techno-economics, introduce economical indexes to establish production"s distribution optimal model, production"s constitution optimal model and measured production"s constitution optimal model, including multi-objective models and five-years models. Upon this, the optimal project for all gas field and each gas-collected factory can be got. Also, introduce the time value of capitals to improve on these models.(3) Base on the optimal solution theory and algorithm theory for the nonlinear programming problem, introduce the SUMT algorithm and genetic algorithm to study how to solve the models, and on the basis of normal genetic algorithm, make use of auto-adaptively modulating method to improve on normal genetic algorithm; Base on algorithm"s convergence theory and calculation"s complexity theory to analyze seriatim SUMT algorithm"s convergence and genetic algorithms convergence, and compare performance with each other.


更多网络解释 与algorithm相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1936年,年仅26岁的英国人突灵在普林斯顿大学发表了一篇论文,给"计算"(Computation),"算法"(Algorithm)等概念下了严格的定义. 突灵将算法及函数之间的关系清楚地确定下来,至此,"计算机"这个原本模糊概念的理论基础,算是完全建立起来了.


例如,他完全支持道金斯"自然选择"的论点(所谓强烈的"适应主义",strong adaptationism),拒绝史蒂芬.古尔德(Stephen Jay Gould)的立场,他认为"自然选择"是进化的唯一"运算法则"(algorithm).


Chap 1概论Overview资料(Data)资料可以看成是一种没有评估价值的基本项目或原素(atom),更简单的说,资料是用来表达一个观念或一个事件的一群文字,数字,图形,符号,图表...等.资讯(Information)演算法(Algorithm) 演算法(Algorithm) 为问题的解决过程中,


>(Am J Med)曾出增刊,由风湿病学家组成筹划委员会与500位专业医师协作,根据循证医学原理,对肌肉骨骼系统疾患如骨关节炎、类风湿关节炎等的诊断和治疗,制订出一系列规则系统(Algorithm)[9],对证据可*度较差的疾患,

algorithm:abbr. alg; 算法

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